A Woman of No Importance (Wilde)

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A Woman of No Importance
Summary of a Play
The original takes ~129 min to read
When a naive young man discovered his noble patron was the very father who abandoned his mother, she firmly refused marriage, ultimately finding peace through her son’s support and sincere affection.

Short summary

English countryside, presumably late 19th century. At Hunstanton Chase, guests gathered at an aristocratic house party. Lord Illingworth, a middle-aged aristocrat, recognized as witty, cynical, amoral, and sophisticated, arrived and planned to appoint young Gerald Arbuthnot as his secretary.

Lord Illingworth — middle-aged aristocrat, formerly George Harford, witty, cynical, amoral, sophisticated man of the world who abandoned Mrs. Arbuthnot after making her pregnant.

Gerald viewed this as a chance for social advancement and the possibility of proposing to his love, Hester Worsley. His mother, Mrs. Arbuthnot, arrived and was horrified to discover that Illingworth, who abandoned her twenty years prior after making her pregnant, was the noble benefactor offering advancement to their son.

Gerald Arbuthnot — young man in his early twenties, Mrs. Arbuthnot's son, ambitious, naive, eager to advance in society, works as a bank clerk, in love with Hester Worsley.
Mrs. Arbuthnot — middle-aged woman, mother of Gerald, abandoned by Lord Illingworth twenty years ago, lives in disgrace and isolation, devoted to her son, principled and dignified.

Traumatized by Illingworth's past betrayal, Mrs. Arbuthnot opposed Gerald's acceptance of the offer. Gerald, unaware that Illingworth was his own father, accused his mother of being irrational. When Hester was subsequently insulted by Lord Illingworth, Gerald angrily confronted him, intending violence. To stop her son from harming his father, Mrs. Arbuthnot revealed the truth: Illingworth was his parent.

I have two passions, Lord Illingworth: my love of him, my hate of you. You cannot kill those. They feed each other.

Gerald, trying to repair his mother's disgrace, insisted that Illingworth marry Mrs. Arbuthnot, who firmly refused. Illingworth offered marriage, but was coldly rejected. Gerald and Hester united in support of Mrs. Arbuthnot. Lord Illingworth left disgraced, and Mrs. Arbuthnot found solace with her loving son and his beloved Hester.

Detailed summary by acts

Acts are from the original play. Divisions within acts and all section titles are editorial.

Act 1. Social gathering at Hunstanton Chase

The play opens at Hunstanton Chase, the country estate of Lady Hunstanton, where a social gathering of English aristocrats and a young American visitor is taking place. On the lawn, Lady Caroline Pontefract and her husband Sir John converse with the American, Miss Hester Worsley. Lady Caroline questions Hester about America, expressing surprise at the lack of social hierarchy there. When Hester mentions that America is the largest country in the world, Lady Caroline dismissively suggests it must be quite drafty.

Lady Caroline Pontefract — middle-aged aristocratic woman, domineering, opinionated, constantly corrects her husband, represents rigid social conventions.
Sir John Pontefract — middle-aged aristocrat, husband of Lady Caroline, submissive to his wife, quiet, represents the henpecked husband.
Hester Worsley — young American woman, wealthy, puritanical, idealistic, critical of English aristocratic society, in love with Gerald Arbuthnot.

English aristocracy and American values

The conversation reveals the stark contrast between English aristocratic values and American democratic ideals. Lady Caroline criticizes the social mixing that occurs at Lady Hunstanton's gatherings, though she approves of Lord Illingworth, a distinguished gentleman among the guests. When Hester expresses admiration for Gerald Arbuthnot, a young man working at a bank, Lady Caroline disapproves, stating that in her day, one never met anyone in society who worked for their living. Hester counters that in America, those are the people most respected.

Lady Hunstanton — elderly aristocratic woman, hostess of the gathering, good-natured but shallow, often confused and forgetful, represents conventional society.

Lady Caroline further questions whether friendship between young men and women is advisable, declaring it inadvisable in England. This cultural clash continues throughout their exchange, highlighting the different social norms between England and America.

Lord Illingworth's offer to Gerald

The conversation is interrupted by the arrival of Gerald Arbuthnot, who excitedly announces that Lord Illingworth has offered to make him his private secretary. This represents a significant opportunity for the young man, who works as a bank clerk. Lady Hunstanton is delighted by the news and offers to write to Gerald's mother, Mrs. Arbuthnot, to inform her of this fortunate development.

Gerald is overjoyed at the prospect of working for Lord Illingworth, viewing it as a chance to improve his position in life and make his mother proud. Lady Hunstanton speculates that Lord Illingworth is aiming for a diplomatic career, though Lady Caroline expresses concern about unmarried men representing England abroad, suggesting it might lead to complications.

Social conversations and mysterious recognition

As more guests join the gathering, including Lord Illingworth himself, Mrs. Allonby, and Lady Stutfield, the conversation turns to various social topics. Lord Illingworth engages in witty banter with Mrs. Allonby, displaying his cynical worldview and talent for epigrams. When discussing the House of Lords versus the House of Commons with Mr. Kelvil, Lord Illingworth quips that the Lords are never in touch with public opinion, which makes them a civilized body.

Mrs. Allonby — young aristocratic woman, witty, flirtatious, cynical about marriage and relationships, engages in verbal sparring with Lord Illingworth.
Lady Stutfield — young aristocratic woman, affected, naive, constantly repeats herself with phrases like "very, very", easily influenced by others.
Mr. Kelvil, M.P. — middle-aged politician, self-important, pompous, concerned with morality and purity, represents conventional political values.

Toward the end of the act, Lord Illingworth notices a letter on the table from Mrs. Arbuthnot. He remarks that the handwriting reminds him of a woman he knew years ago, describing her as "a woman of no importance." This foreshadows a significant connection between Lord Illingworth and Mrs. Arbuthnot that will be revealed later in the play.

Act 2. Discussions among women and Mrs. Arbuthnot's arrival

The ladies discuss men and marriage

Act 2 opens in the drawing room at Hunstanton Chase after dinner. The women have gathered while the men remain elsewhere. Mrs. Allonby expresses relief at being temporarily free from men, though she paradoxically suggests it is women's duty to never leave men alone. Lady Caroline maintains that men should be kept in their proper place—looking after their wives. The conversation turns to marriage, with the women offering various cynical perspectives.

Men always want to be a woman's first love. That is their clumsy vanity. We women have a more subtle instinct about things. What we like is to be a man's last romance.

Mrs. Allonby delivers this witty observation about the different desires of men and women in romance. She goes on to describe her ideal man, one who would treat women as goddesses yet also as children, who would refuse serious requests but gratify every whim. The ladies continue their playful discussion of men's shortcomings and women's expectations in relationships.

Hester condemns English society

Throughout this conversation, Hester Worsley has been listening silently. When Lady Hunstanton notices her, Hester reveals that she has been shocked by the women's cynical attitudes. She condemns English society for its moral hypocrisy, stating that in America, society consists simply of good men and women. Lady Caroline dismissively remarks that America lacks ruins and curiosities, to which Mrs. Allonby quips that Americans have "their mothers and their manners" as curiosities.

Hester then delivers a passionate speech criticizing English high society for shutting out the gentle and good while laughing at the simple and pure. She accuses the aristocracy of not knowing how to live despite their wealth and art, claiming they have lost life's secret. Her moral indignation reaches its peak when she condemns the double standard applied to men and women who have sinned.

If a man and woman have sinned, let them both go forth into the desert to love or loathe each other there. Let them both be branded. Set a mark, if you wish, on each, but don't punish the one and let the other go free.

Mrs. Arbuthnot's arrival and distress

As Hester finishes her condemnation of society's double standards, Mrs. Arbuthnot enters unannounced, wearing a cloak and lace veil. She has heard Hester's final words about punishing women who have sinned and is visibly affected. Lady Hunstanton welcomes her warmly, introducing her to the other guests. Mrs. Arbuthnot appears uncomfortable and distressed.

Lady Hunstanton informs Mrs. Arbuthnot about Lord Illingworth's offer to Gerald, expecting her to be pleased. However, Mrs. Arbuthnot appears troubled by the news. When Lady Hunstanton mentions Lord Illingworth's background, including his mother Lady Cecilia and his rise to the title after the deaths of several relatives, Mrs. Arbuthnot grows increasingly agitated. She asks to speak with her son immediately.

Private confrontation between former lovers

When Gerald enters with Lord Illingworth, Mrs. Arbuthnot asks her son to take her home, claiming she feels unwell. Gerald insists that she meet Lord Illingworth first. The moment they face each other, there is a silent recognition—Lord Illingworth is clearly shocked to see Mrs. Arbuthnot, though he quickly composes himself. Mrs. Arbuthnot coldly states that she and her son have nothing in common with Lord Illingworth.

After the other guests leave for the music room, Lord Illingworth and Mrs. Arbuthnot are left alone. It is revealed that they know each other from the past—Lord Illingworth, formerly George Harford, is Gerald's father. He abandoned Mrs. Arbuthnot twenty years ago when she was pregnant with their child. Lord Illingworth expresses pleasure at finding his son, while Mrs. Arbuthnot vehemently refuses to let him claim Gerald.

Their confrontation reveals the painful history between them. Mrs. Arbuthnot recounts how she left her father's house for him, how he promised to marry her but continually delayed, and how she begged him to marry her before their child was born. When he refused, she left him and raised Gerald alone, adopting the name Arbuthnot. Lord Illingworth argues that Gerald's future is more important than her past and insists that the boy would benefit from his guidance and connections.

What is our son at present? An underpaid clerk in a small Provincial Bank in a third-rate English town. If you imagine he is quite happy in such a position, you are mistaken. He is thoroughly discontented.

Act 3. Gerald learns about his past

Lord Illingworth's worldly advice to Gerald

Act 3 takes place in the picture gallery at Hunstanton. Lord Illingworth and Gerald are conversing, with Lord Illingworth lounging on a sofa while Gerald sits in a chair. Lord Illingworth is pleased that Mrs. Arbuthnot has agreed to let Gerald become his secretary, though Gerald expresses doubt about his qualifications. Lord Illingworth dismisses these concerns, telling Gerald that examinations are of no value and that youth is his greatest asset.

To win back my youth, Gerald, there is nothing I wouldn't do—except take exercise, get up early, or be a useful member of the community.

Lord Illingworth proceeds to give Gerald advice about society, women, and success in life. He tells Gerald that to dominate a London dinner table is to dominate the world, and that the future belongs to the dandy. His cynical worldview is evident as he instructs Gerald to talk to every woman as if he loved her and to every man as if he bored him. Gerald is impressed by Lord Illingworth's sophisticated outlook and eager to learn from him.

Social interactions and hidden tensions

Lady Hunstanton and Dr. Daubeny join them, followed by other guests who engage in witty conversation about politics, society, and morality. Lord Illingworth continues to display his cynical wit, declaring that "the only difference between the saint and the sinner is that every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future." Mrs. Arbuthnot watches Lord Illingworth intently throughout these exchanges, clearly disturbed by his presence.

The only difference between the saint and the sinner is that every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future.

Mrs. Arbuthnot's story of Gerald's father

When the guests disperse, Gerald approaches his mother, who is still adamantly opposed to his accepting Lord Illingworth's offer. Gerald cannot understand her objection and presses her for an explanation. Mrs. Arbuthnot finally reveals that Lord Illingworth is a bad man, but Gerald demands specific reasons. She reluctantly begins to tell him a story about a young girl who was seduced by a man named George Harford—Lord Illingworth's former name.

Mrs. Arbuthnot describes how this eighteen-year-old girl left her father's house with Harford, who had promised to marry her. He continually postponed the marriage, even after she became pregnant and begged him to give their child a name. After the child was born, she left him, taking the baby with her. Her life was ruined, and she lived in shame ever after. Gerald listens to this story without realizing it is about his own mother and father.

When Mrs. Arbuthnot finishes her story, Gerald coldly suggests that the girl was as much to blame as Lord Illingworth, saying that no nice girl would leave home with a man to whom she was not married. Hurt by his response, Mrs. Arbuthnot withdraws her objections, telling Gerald he is free to go with Lord Illingworth.

The assault on Hester and shocking revelation

Suddenly, Hester rushes in, terrified and seeking protection. She claims that Lord Illingworth has insulted her horribly. Gerald is enraged and threatens to kill Lord Illingworth for insulting the woman he loves. When Lord Illingworth enters, Gerald lunges at him, but Mrs. Arbuthnot intervenes, crying out, "Stop, Gerald, stop! He is your own father!"

This shocking revelation stuns everyone present. Gerald looks at his mother in disbelief as she sinks to the ground in shame. Hester quietly slips toward the door while Lord Illingworth stands by, frowning. After a moment, Gerald helps his mother up and leads her from the room, leaving Lord Illingworth behind.

Children begin by loving their parents. After a time they judge them. Rarely, if ever, do they forgive them.

Act 4. Final confrontations and decisions

Gerald insists on legitimacy through marriage

The final act takes place in Mrs. Arbuthnot's sitting room. Gerald is writing a letter when Lady Hunstanton and Mrs. Allonby visit to inquire after his mother. Gerald informs them that he has decided not to become Lord Illingworth's secretary, much to Lady Hunstanton's disappointment. After they leave, Mrs. Arbuthnot enters, and Gerald reveals that he has written to Lord Illingworth, asking him to come at four o'clock.

Gerald explains that he has demanded Lord Illingworth marry his mother to make amends for the wrong he did her. Mrs. Arbuthnot is horrified and firmly refuses to marry Lord Illingworth under any circumstances. Gerald insists that it is the right thing to do, that it will remove the shadow from her name and provide justice. Mrs. Arbuthnot remains adamant in her refusal.

It is I who refuse. I will not marry Lord Illingworth. It may be that I am too bound to him already, who, robbing me, yet left me richer, so that in the mire of my life I found the pearl of price.

Hester's support and alternative path

Hester Worsley has been listening to their conversation and steps forward to support Mrs. Arbuthnot. She urges Mrs. Arbuthnot not to marry Lord Illingworth, calling it "real dishonour" and "real disgrace." Instead, she suggests that Mrs. Arbuthnot leave with her to find a new life elsewhere, away from England and its judgmental society.

Gerald is torn between his sense of what is proper and his love for both his mother and Hester. When he asks Hester what he should do, she tells him to ask his own heart. Gerald finally recognizes his mother's suffering and acknowledges that she has been both mother and father to him. He kneels before her, asking forgiveness for his harshness. Mrs. Arbuthnot, moved by this reconciliation, introduces Hester to Gerald as his future wife.

Lord Illingworth's final visit and humiliation

After Gerald and Hester exit to the garden, Lord Illingworth arrives. Mrs. Arbuthnot tells him to leave, but he insists on speaking with her. He proposes to marry her, not out of love or duty, but to get his son back. Mrs. Arbuthnot firmly refuses his offer, stating that she hates him. Lord Illingworth is surprised by her refusal and asks if Gerald hates him too. She replies that Gerald merely despises him.

Men know life too early. And we women know life too late. That is the difference between men and women.

As Lord Illingworth prepares to leave, he makes a cruel remark, referring to Mrs. Arbuthnot as his former "mistress." Enraged, she snatches up his glove and strikes him across the face with it. Lord Illingworth is stunned by this insult but controls himself and leaves without another word. Gerald and Hester return, and Gerald notices the glove on the floor, asking whose it is. Mrs. Arbuthnot dismissively replies that it belongs to "a man of no importance," ironically echoing Lord Illingworth's earlier description of her and providing the play's final line.

A man of no importance. [This is Mrs. Arbuthnot's final line, referring to Lord Illingworth, directly referencing the play's title in a moment of dramatic irony]