Poor Folk (Dostoevsky)
Short Summary
St. Petersburg, 19th century. Makar Dievushkin, an impoverished and humble middle-aged government clerk living modestly in a kitchen corner, maintained a close correspondence with Barbara Dobroselova.
Barbara, a young, educated, and frail orphan woman, lived nearby with her friend Thedora, working as a seamstress. Grateful to Makar's devoted kindness, she shared with him her thoughts, struggles, and sadness through frequent letters.
Through their emotional exchanges, their bond strengthened as they faced poverty and social hostility. Makar constantly worried about Barbara's fragile health, sending her clothing, sweets, and comforting words despite his own dire financial circumstances. Meanwhile, he endured harsh ridicule and self-conscious embarrassment at work and in his daily interactions, struggling with continual poverty and the jeers it attracted.
Barbara's desperation grew after a wealthy, older acquaintance, Monsieur Bwikov, proposed marriage. Seeing no other escape from her bleak reality, Barbara wrote to Makar, admitting, 'My friend, I am going to marry this man; I have no choice but to accept his proposal. If anyone could save me from this squalor, and restore to me my good name, and avert from me future poverty and want and misfortune, he is the man to do it.'
My friend, I am going to marry this man; I have no choice but to accept his proposal. If anyone could save me from this squalor, and restore to me my good name, and avert from me future poverty and want and misfortune, he is the man to do it.
Although heartbroken, Makar supported her decision. Barbara left St. Petersburg to begin her life anew, as Makar remained behind, devastated and lonely, with only memories of their friendship to comfort him.
Detailed Summary
Division into chapters is editorial.
Initial Letters and Establishing a Connection
The novel began with an exchange of letters between Makar Alexievitch Dievushkin and Barbara Alexievna Dobroselova in April. Makar, who lived in a kitchen corner of a crowded apartment building, wrote to Barbara about his joy at being able to see her window from his own lodgings across a small courtyard. He suggested they communicate by raising and lowering curtains as signals to each other.
Barbara responded with gratitude but chided Makar for spending money on gifts for her, including geraniums and bonbons. She insisted she needed nothing and worried about his finances. She lived with her elderly servant Thedora, and both were in difficult circumstances.
Growing Friendship and Mutual Support
As their correspondence continued, Makar described his living conditions and neighbors in detail. He shared stories about his landlady, who constantly berated him, and fellow tenants including a poor civil servant named Gorshkov who lived with his sick wife and hungry children. Makar's letters revealed his deep sensitivity about his poverty and social standing.
Barbara shared her own concerns, including her fear of her distant relative Anna Thedorovna, who had taken her in after her parents' death but treated her poorly. She also mentioned a man named Bwikov who had made improper advances toward her in the past. Despite their separate hardships, Makar and Barbara found comfort in their growing friendship.
How comes it that you are so unfortunate, Barbara? How is it that you are so much worse off than other people? In my eyes you are kindhearted, beautiful, and clever—why, then, has such an evil fate fallen to your lot?
Barbara's Memories and Life Story
In June, Barbara sent Makar a manuscript containing her memoirs. She wrote about her happy childhood in the countryside of Tula province, where her father worked as a steward on an estate. When she was twelve, her family moved to St. Petersburg after her father lost his position. Life in the city was difficult and unfamiliar to her.
Barbara described her father's struggles to find work and how he eventually died when she was fourteen, leaving her and her mother destitute. Anna Thedorovna, a distant relative, took them in but treated them cruelly. Barbara was sent to a boarding school where she was lonely and miserable.
While living with Anna Thedorovna, Barbara met a young student named Pokrovski who tutored Anna's ward, Sasha. Initially, Barbara and Sasha played childish pranks on Pokrovski, but Barbara gradually developed respect and affection for him. She described how Pokrovski was devoted to books and how his elderly father, despite being poor and often drunk, would visit him with pride and bring him books.
Barbara recounted how she grew close to Pokrovski, secretly borrowing his books and eventually confessing her admiration for him. For his birthday, she and his father planned to give him a set of Pushkin's works. Tragically, Pokrovski fell ill with consumption. On his deathbed, he asked for the window to be opened so he could see the daylight one last time before passing away.
After Pokrovski's death, Barbara's mother also died, leaving her completely dependent on Anna Thedorovna. Eventually, Anna accused Barbara of improper behavior with her nephew and arranged for Bwikov to make an indecent proposal to her. Barbara fled with Thedora and had been living independently ever since, though in poverty and constant anxiety.
Financial Struggles and Literary Discussions
Throughout their correspondence, Makar's financial difficulties were a constant theme. He often sent Barbara money and gifts despite his own poverty, and she repeatedly urged him to be more careful with his limited resources. Makar began to associate with a writer named Rataziaev, who held literary gatherings that Makar attended with enthusiasm.
Makar shared excerpts from Rataziaev's works with Barbara, expressing great admiration for the writer's style. Barbara, however, found the passages overwrought and ridiculous. Their differing literary tastes became a gentle point of contention, with Makar defending Rataziaev's florid prose while Barbara preferred simpler, more meaningful writing.
I am a simple man in my requirements; but the point is—what would people say, what would every envious and hostile tongue exclaim, when I was seen without an overcoat? It is for other folk that one wears an overcoat and boots.
Makar's letters revealed his deep self-consciousness about his appearance and social standing. He worried constantly about his worn clothes, especially his boots, and how others perceived him at his office. Despite his own needs, he continued to send Barbara money whenever possible, even borrowing from others and going into debt to help her.
Barbara's Illness and Makar's Devotion
In early summer, Barbara fell seriously ill. Makar visited her regularly, sitting by her bedside at night while her servant Thedora rested. During these vigils, they grew closer, sharing confidences and developing a deeper bond. Makar brought her books to read and did everything he could to comfort her during her recovery.
After Barbara recovered, they continued their correspondence with increased warmth and intimacy. Makar described an incident at his office where he made a mistake on an important document and was summoned before his superior. Terrified and humiliated, especially when a button fell off his threadbare uniform, Makar expected severe punishment. Instead, his Excellency showed unexpected kindness, giving him money and speaking to him with respect.
This act of kindness deeply moved Makar, who wrote to Barbara with renewed optimism about his life and prospects. He sent her a portion of the money he received, despite her protests. Their letters during this period reflected a growing mutual dependence and affection, with Makar increasingly expressing his devotion to Barbara's welfare and happiness.
The poor man is exacting. He cannot see God's world as it is, but eyes each passerby askance, and looks around him uneasily... May not people be talking of him? How is it that he is so unsightly? What is he feeling at all?
Makar's Brief Decline and Redemption
In late July, Makar's letters became erratic. Barbara learned from Thedora that he had been seen drunk in the street and taken home by police. When confronted, Makar confessed that he had fallen into despair over his inability to help Barbara more substantially and had turned to drink. He also admitted to an altercation with some officers that had left him humiliated.
I am not a man of the finicking sort. What occurred that night between myself and those officers I scarcely know, I scarcely remember. You must bear in mind that for some time past I have been in terrible distress.
Barbara responded with concern and gentle reproach, urging him to visit her and return to his better self. Makar, ashamed of his behavior, promised to reform and expressed deep gratitude for her continued friendship despite his failings. He quickly returned to his duties at the office and resumed his devoted correspondence with Barbara.
During this period, Makar also wrote about the death of his neighbor Gorshkov, who had finally won his legal case and been cleared of wrongdoing after years of suffering. The very day Gorshkov received the news of his vindication and a settlement of money, he died suddenly, leaving his family in grief. This incident deeply affected Makar, who reflected on the fragility of life and happiness.
Bwikov's Proposal and Barbara's Decision
In September, Barbara wrote to Makar with alarming news: Bwikov had returned to St. Petersburg and had been asking about her whereabouts. Soon after, he visited her lodgings and, despite their past, made her a formal marriage proposal. He explained that he needed a legal heir to prevent his nephew from inheriting his estate and offered to take Barbara to his country property in the Steppes.
Barbara was deeply conflicted about the proposal. She wrote to Makar explaining that while she did not love Bwikov, she saw the marriage as her only escape from poverty and social disgrace. She asked for Makar's advice but indicated she was inclined to accept the offer, seeing no other path forward for herself.
I have worked until I have ruined my health. I cannot go on working forever. Shall I go out into the world? Nay; I am worn to a shadow with grief, and become good for nothing. Sickly by nature, I should merely be a burden upon other folks.
Makar was devastated by Barbara's decision but tried to be supportive. He wrote that he understood her reasoning and would not try to dissuade her if she believed this was her best option. However, his letters betrayed his deep distress and sense of impending loss. He continued to send her small gifts and offer assistance with her wedding preparations, though each letter grew more melancholy.
As the wedding approached, Barbara described Bwikov's impatience and controlling behavior. He complained about the expense of the wedding preparations, insisted on a simple ceremony, and made it clear he expected Barbara to conform to his wishes in all things. Despite these warning signs, Barbara proceeded with the marriage plans, seeing no alternative to her current state of poverty and uncertainty.
Makar, meanwhile, tried to maintain a brave face in his letters while privately suffering. He wrote about moving into Barbara's old room after she left, keeping her embroidery frame and other small mementos as precious reminders of their connection. His letters revealed his struggle to accept her departure while still wishing for her happiness.
Final Letters and Farewell
On the eve of her wedding, Barbara wrote a final letter to Makar. She thanked him for his years of kindness and support, calling him her only true friend and benefactor. She left him her book of stories, her embroidery frame, and the unfinished letter she had been writing when interrupted. Barbara asked him to think of her sometimes and promised to keep him in her prayers.
Makar's response was a desperate, disjointed plea. He begged her not to leave, describing the harsh life that awaited her in the Steppes and questioning Bwikov's character and motives. He offered to continue supporting her however he could and expressed his belief that they could find happiness together despite their poverty.
For you alone have I worked and copied manuscripts and committed my views to paper under the guise of friendly letters. Perhaps you did not know all this, but it has been so. How, then, my beloved, could you bring yourself to leave me?
His final letter revealed the depth of his love for Barbara, which had been implicit but never fully expressed throughout their correspondence. He wrote of his fear for her future happiness and his own desolation at losing her. The letter ended mid-thought, suggesting Makar was overcome with emotion and unable to continue.
Yet how will it fare with you now? Your heart will soon have become chilled and sick and depressed. Grief will soon have sucked away its life; grief will soon have rent it in twain! Yes, you will die where you be.
The novel concluded with Barbara's departure to the Steppes as Bwikov's wife, leaving Makar alone with his memories and unfulfilled hopes. Their correspondence, which had sustained them both through difficult times, came to an end, symbolizing the final separation of two souls who had found brief comfort in their connection despite the harsh realities of poverty and social constraints.