The Alchemist (Coelho)

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The Alchemist
25th Anniversary Edition
O Alquimista · 1988
Summary of a Novel
The original takes ~234 min to read
A shepherd boy pursued his dream of finding treasure in Egypt. After many adventures and learning spiritual wisdom from a desert mystic, he discovered the treasure was back in Spain all along.

Very Short Summary

In Andalusia, Spain, a young shepherd had a recurring dream about finding treasure near the Egyptian pyramids.

Santiago — andalusian shepherd boy around 16-18 years old, curious and adventurous, former seminary student, has recurring prophetic dreams, determined to follow his Personal Legend.

After meeting a mysterious king who encouraged him to follow his Personal Legend, Santiago sold his flock and traveled to Africa. In Tangier, he was robbed of his money and found work with a crystal merchant. After nearly a year of successful work, he joined a caravan heading toward Egypt. During the journey, he met an Englishman studying alchemy and learned about the universal language of the world.

At an oasis, Santiago fell in love with Fatima, a desert woman, and met a wise alchemist who offered to guide him to the pyramids. The alchemist taught Santiago to listen to his heart and read the signs of the universe.

The Alchemist — mysterious elderly man, powerful and wise desert dweller, over 200 years old according to legend, master of alchemy and the universal language.

When tribal warfare threatened their journey, the alchemist helped Santiago demonstrate his spiritual power by turning himself into the wind. As they continued their journey, the alchemist shared wisdom about following one's dreams.

Tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself. And that no heart has ever suffered when it goes in search of its dreams.

Near the pyramids, Santiago was attacked by robbers. One of them revealed that he had dreamed of treasure buried in an abandoned church in Spain where Santiago used to camp with his sheep. Understanding the meaning of his journey, Santiago returned to Spain, found the treasure at the church, and planned to return to Fatima at the oasis.

Detailed Summary by Parts

Part titles and their division into chapters are editorial.

Prologue. The Alchemist and the Legend of Narcissus

An alchemist picked up a book and found a story about Narcissus. While the traditional version told of a youth who fell into a lake, entranced by his own beauty, this version had a different ending. When Narcissus died, the lake's fresh water turned to salty tears. When the goddesses asked why the lake wept for Narcissus, it replied that it had never noticed Narcissus's beauty - it wept because, in Narcissus's eyes, it had seen the reflection of its own beauty.

Part 1. The Shepherd's Journey Begins

Santiago's Life as a Shepherd and His Dream

A young shepherd named Santiago arrived at an abandoned church with his flock. He had experienced the same dream twice: a child told him to travel to the Egyptian pyramids, where he would find a hidden treasure. Troubled by this recurring dream, he decided to visit a Gypsy woman who could interpret it.

The Gypsy Woman — fortune teller in Tarifa who interprets Santiago's dream, middle-aged woman who asks for one-tenth of his treasure as payment.

Meeting with Melchizedek, the King of Salem

After visiting the Gypsy woman, Santiago met a mysterious old man who introduced himself as Melchizedek, the King of Salem. The king explained the concept of Personal Legend - one's true purpose in life - and encouraged Santiago to pursue his dream. He gave Santiago two stones, Urim and Thummim, to help him read omens, and advised him to sell his sheep and travel to Egypt.

Melchizedek (The Old King of Salem) — mysterious elderly king who appears as a wise advisor, wears a gold breastplate, possesses magical stones Urim and Thummim.

When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it... Because when you want something, the entire universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.

Arrival in Africa and Loss of Money

Santiago sold his flock and traveled to Tangier, Africa. On his first day there, he met a young man who offered to be his guide to the pyramids. However, while Santiago was distracted looking at a beautiful sword in the marketplace, the guide disappeared with all his money. Devastated but determined, Santiago reflected on his situation.

The boy told himself that he would have to choose between thinking of himself as the poor victim of a thief and as an adventurer in quest of his treasure.

Working at the Crystal Merchant's Shop

With no money to continue his journey, Santiago found work with a crystal merchant. He revitalized the merchant's business by suggesting innovative ideas like serving tea in crystal glasses and building a display case outside the shop. Over the course of a year, the shop prospered tremendously.

The Crystal Merchant — middle-aged shop owner in Tangier, traditional and somewhat fearful of change, dreams of pilgrimage to Mecca but never acts on it.

Part 2. The Desert Journey

Joining the Caravan and Meeting the Englishman

After saving enough money, Santiago joined a caravan crossing the Sahara Desert. During the journey, he met an Englishman studying to become an alchemist. The Englishman was traveling to Al-Fayoum oasis to meet a famous alchemist who could turn any metal into gold. As they traveled, Santiago learned about alchemy and the universal language of the world.

The Englishman — young scholarly man seeking the alchemist, well-educated but overly focused on books rather than practical learning, carries many alchemy texts.

Everyone has his or her own way of learning things. His way isn't the same as mine, nor mine as his. But we're both in search of our Personal Legends, and I respect him for that.

Life at the Oasis and Meeting Fatima

At the oasis of Al-Fayoum, Santiago met and fell in love with Fatima, a desert woman. Their connection was immediate and profound. While the Englishman continued his search for the alchemist, Santiago contemplated staying at the oasis to be with Fatima. However, he began to notice important omens, including a vision of an army attacking the oasis.

Fatima — young desert woman with dark Moorish eyes and black hair, daughter of a desert trader, wise and understanding, represents pure love.

Learning from the Alchemist

Santiago's vision proved true, and his warning saved the oasis. This caught the attention of the alchemist, who chose Santiago as his disciple. The alchemist taught Santiago about the Soul of the World and the universal language. He convinced Santiago to leave the oasis and continue his journey, explaining that true love would never interfere with one's Personal Legend.

There is only one way to learn... It's through action. Everything you need to know you have learned through your journey. You need to learn only one thing more.

During their journey across the desert, Santiago and the alchemist were captured by warring tribesmen. To save their lives, the alchemist told the tribesmen that Santiago could turn himself into the wind. Given three days to perform this miracle, Santiago communed with the desert, the wind, the sun, and finally with the Hand that wrote all, successfully transforming himself into the wind.

Every search begins with beginner's luck. And every search ends with the victor's being severely tested... The darkest hour of the night came just before the dawn.

The Final Journey to the Pyramids

Before parting ways, the alchemist demonstrated the Philosopher's Stone and the Elixir of Life, giving Santiago gold to continue his journey. Santiago finally reached the Pyramids and began digging where his tears fell. He was attacked by refugees who forced him to dig, and when he spoke of his dream, their leader revealed that he too had a recurring dream about treasure - in an abandoned church in Spain where shepherds slept, beneath a sycamore tree.

No matter what he does, every person on earth plays a central role in the history of the world. And normally he doesn't know it.

Epilogue. Return to the Church

Santiago returned to the abandoned church in Spain where his journey began. There, beneath the sycamore tree growing in the sacristy, he found a chest full of gold coins, precious stones, gold masks, and jeweled artifacts. As he prepared to return to Al-Fayoum and Fatima, the wind brought him the scent of her perfume, and for the first time, a kiss. Santiago had completed his Personal Legend, understanding that the journey itself was as important as the treasure he sought.