The Hound of the Baskervilles (Doyle)
Short summary
The English countryside, presumably late 19th century. After the mysterious death of Sir Charles Baskerville, his heir, Sir Henry Baskerville, arrived from Canada to inherit the family estate, Baskerville Hall.
Family friend Dr. Mortimer feared a supernatural threat behind the death: a legendary spectral hound said to curse the Baskerville family. He sought help from the brilliant detective Sherlock Holmes.
Holmes dispatched his loyal friend and assistant, Dr. John Watson, to Dartmoor to guard Sir Henry and investigate. Watson found Baskerville Hall a bleak, foreboding place, plagued by eerie sounds and suspicious characters.
Barnett Stapleton, a naturalist, lived nearby with his supposed sister. When Stapleton's 'sister' secretly warned Sir Henry of danger, Watson grew increasingly uneasy. Holmes himself was secretly present, observing developments. After days of investigation, Holmes concluded Stapleton was actually a Baskerville relative plotting murder to inherit the estate, and his sister was his wife.
A hound it was, an enormous coal-black hound, but not such a hound as mortal eyes have ever seen. Fire burst from its open mouth, its eyes glowed with a smouldering glare, its muzzle and hackles and dewlap were outlined in flickering flame.
One foggy night, Stapleton unleashed the monstrous hound to kill Sir Henry. Holmes and Watson, who laid waiting nearby, managed to shoot the beast just before it could kill the baronet. Stapleton fled into the deadly Grimpen Mire and perished. The seemingly supernatural hound was a starving mastiff coated in phosphorus, making it glow terrifyingly in the dark. With the case solved, Sir Henry left to recover from the trauma, while Holmes and Watson closed another strange and dangerous investigation.
Detailed summary by chapters
Chapter 1. Mr. Sherlock Holmes
Dr. James Mortimer visited Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson with a walking stick left behind by a visitor the previous night. Holmes deduced from the stick that its owner was a country doctor who walked a great deal and owned a dog. When Dr. Mortimer arrived, he was impressed by Holmes's deductions and explained that he had come to consult him about a serious matter concerning Sir Henry Baskerville, the last of the Baskervilles.
Chapter 2. The Curse of the Baskervilles
Dr. Mortimer read an old manuscript dated 1742 that told the legend of Hugo Baskerville, a wild and godless man who kidnapped a yeoman's daughter. When she escaped, Hugo pursued her across the moor with his hounds. Both were found dead, with a giant spectral hound standing over Hugo's body. The manuscript warned that the hound continued to plague the Baskerville family. Dr. Mortimer then read a recent newspaper article about the death of Sir Charles Baskerville, who was found dead near his home with a look of terror on his face, though no physical injuries were found.
If the devil did desire to have a hand in the affairs of men... The devil's agents may be of flesh and blood, may they not? There are two questions waiting for us at the outset. The one is whether any crime has been committed at all; the second is, what is the crime?
Chapter 3. The Problem
Dr. Mortimer revealed that he had seen the footprints of a gigantic hound near Sir Charles's body, but had not mentioned this at the inquest. He explained that Sir Charles had taken the family legend seriously and avoided the moor at night. Mortimer feared that Sir Henry Baskerville, who was arriving from Canada to claim his inheritance, might meet the same fate. Holmes questioned Mortimer about the circumstances of Sir Charles's death and the moor environment. He agreed to meet Sir Henry the next day to decide whether it was safe for him to go to Baskerville Hall.
Chapter 4. Sir Henry Baskerville
Holmes and Watson met Sir Henry Baskerville, who showed them an anonymous note warning him to stay away from the moor. Holmes determined the note was composed of words cut from a newspaper. Sir Henry also reported that one of his new boots had been stolen from his hotel. After hearing the full story of the Baskerville curse and the warning note, Sir Henry remained determined to go to Baskerville Hall. Holmes advised that Watson should accompany Sir Henry to Devonshire while he remained in London. After Sir Henry left, Holmes and Watson followed him and observed a bearded man in a cab watching Sir Henry. They attempted to pursue the cab but lost it in traffic.
Chapter 5. Three Broken Threads
Holmes and Watson dined with Sir Henry, who reported that his other boot had now disappeared. Holmes arranged for Watson to accompany Sir Henry to Baskerville Hall while he remained in London. Holmes sent telegrams to verify if Barrymore, the butler at Baskerville Hall, was actually there, as he suspected Barrymore might be the bearded man they had seen. Later, they learned that Barrymore was indeed at the Hall. Holmes also interviewed the cabman who had driven the bearded man, who revealed that his passenger had claimed to be Sherlock Holmes himself, demonstrating the cunning of their adversary.
Chapter 6. Baskerville Hall
Watson and Sir Henry traveled to Devonshire, where they were met by Mr. Barrymore and his wife, the caretakers of Baskerville Hall. The Hall was a grim, ancient building surrounded by the bleak moor. Barrymore and his wife seemed eager to leave their positions, but Sir Henry convinced them to stay. That night, Watson heard a woman sobbing in the house. The next day, Watson learned from the postmaster that the telegram to Barrymore had been delivered to Mrs. Barrymore, not directly to Barrymore himself, casting doubt on whether Barrymore had been at the Hall when Holmes checked.
Evil indeed is the man who has not one woman to mourn him. ... There was the sob of a woman, the muffled, strangling gasp of one who is torn by an uncontrollable sorrow. I sat up in bed and listened intently. The noise could not have been far away.
Chapter 7. The Stapletons of Merripit House
While walking on the moor, Watson met Jack Stapleton, a naturalist who lived nearby. Stapleton spoke of the moor's dangers, particularly the deadly Grimpen Mire. They heard a strange, mournful sound which Stapleton attributed to the bog, though he mentioned local superstitions about the Hound of the Baskervilles. Watson then met Stapleton's sister Beryl, who urgently warned him to take Sir Henry back to London. When her brother approached, she pretended she had mistaken Watson for Sir Henry. Later, Sir Henry met Miss Stapleton and was clearly attracted to her. Stapleton initially reacted with anger to Sir Henry's interest in his sister, but later apologized, claiming he was concerned about losing his only companion.
The longer one stays here the more does the spirit of the moor sink into one's soul, its vastness, and also its grim charm. When you are once out upon its bosom you have left all traces of modern England behind you, but on the other hand you are conscious of...
Chapter 8. First Report of Dr. Watson
In a report to Holmes, Watson described the escaped convict hiding on the moor, Sir Henry's growing attraction to Miss Stapleton, and the various neighbors, including the naturalist Stapleton and the eccentric Mr. Frankland. Watson also reported that he had discovered Barrymore making nocturnal visits to a specific window at Baskerville Hall, where he held a candle as if signaling to someone on the moor. Watson and Sir Henry confronted Barrymore, who admitted that he and his wife were helping her brother Selden, the escaped convict, by providing him with food and shelter. Sir Henry, moved by their loyalty, agreed not to turn Selden in to the authorities.
Chapter 9. Second Report of Dr. Watson
Watson continued his reports to Holmes, describing how he discovered Barrymore's secret nighttime activities. Barrymore had been signaling with a candle to someone on the moor, who responded with a light of their own. Watson and Sir Henry followed Barrymore one night and confronted him, learning that he was communicating with Selden. Barrymore then revealed that Sir Charles had received a letter on the day of his death from someone with the initials L.L., who had asked to meet him at the gate where he died. Watson learned from Dr. Mortimer that L.L. was likely Laura Lyons, daughter of Mr. Frankland. Meanwhile, Watson spotted a solitary figure standing on a tor on the moor, watching from a distance. He and Sir Henry attempted to pursue Selden after seeing his light, but were frightened by the sound of a hound howling on the moor.
Chapter 10. Extract from the Diary of Dr. Watson
Watson visited Laura Lyons in Coombe Tracey and learned that she had written to Sir Charles requesting financial help for her divorce, at Stapleton's suggestion. She had arranged to meet Sir Charles on the night of his death but claimed she never kept the appointment because Stapleton had offered to help her instead. Watson remained suspicious of her story. He then encountered Mr. Frankland, who unwittingly helped him by showing him through his telescope a boy delivering food to someone hiding on the moor. Watson followed the boy and discovered a stone hut where someone was living. Inside, he found a note reporting on his own movements, confirming he was being watched. While waiting for the hut's occupant to return, Watson was shocked when the man revealed himself to be Sherlock Holmes.
Chapter 11. The Man on the Tor
Holmes revealed that he had been living secretly on the moor, conducting his own investigation while allowing Watson to report to him. He had discovered that Stapleton was actually married to the woman posing as his sister. Holmes explained that he suspected Stapleton was behind the plot against the Baskervilles. They witnessed Stapleton confronting Sir Henry, who had been walking with Beryl Stapleton. Holmes deduced that Stapleton was jealous despite encouraging the relationship as part of his scheme. Holmes and Watson then discussed Mrs. Laura Lyons' involvement, planning to visit her the next day to learn more. Holmes believed Stapleton was responsible for setting the hound on Sir Charles and was now targeting Sir Henry. He described the case as one of murder, with Stapleton as the villain.
I have been in Devonshire. ... I had no idea that you had found my occasional retreat, still less that you were inside it, until I was within twenty paces of the door. ... If you seriously desire to deceive me you must change your tobacconist.
It is murder, Watson—refined, cold-blooded, deliberate murder. Do not ask me for particulars. My nets are closing upon him, even as his are upon Sir Henry, and with your help he is already almost at my mercy. There is but one danger which can threaten us.
Chapter 12. Death on the Moor
As Holmes and Watson continued their conversation, they heard a terrible scream from the moor. They rushed toward the sound and found a body lying at the base of a cliff, dressed in Sir Henry's clothes. Initially believing it was Sir Henry, they were relieved to discover it was actually Selden, the escaped convict, wearing Sir Henry's old clothes that had been given to Barrymore. Holmes deduced that Selden had been mistaken for Sir Henry by the hound that Stapleton had set upon him. While examining the scene, Stapleton himself appeared, claiming he had been concerned about Sir Henry after hearing the cries. Holmes pretended not to suspect Stapleton, saying he planned to return to London the next day. As they carried Selden's body away, Holmes pointed out that Stapleton's house was the only light visible on the moor, indicating his isolation and the remoteness of the setting for his crimes.
Chapter 13. Fixing the Nets
Holmes explained to Sir Henry that he had been secretly investigating from the moor rather than from London. He advised Sir Henry to proceed with his dinner engagement at Merripit House (the Stapletons' home) that evening, but to return home alone across the moor, despite the previous warnings against doing so. Holmes, Watson, and Inspector Lestrade from Scotland Yard planned to hide near Merripit House to protect Sir Henry and catch Stapleton in the act. Before implementing this plan, Holmes and Watson visited Laura Lyons, revealing to her that Stapleton was actually married. Feeling betrayed, she admitted that Stapleton had persuaded her to request a meeting with Sir Charles and then convinced her not to keep the appointment, leaving Sir Charles waiting at the gate where he died.
We balance probabilities and choose the most likely. It is the scientific use of the imagination, but we have always some material basis on which to start our speculation. ... I have come prepared to do so. Here is a photograph of the couple taken in York four years ago.
Chapter 14. The Hound of the Baskervilles
Holmes, Watson, and Lestrade hid near Merripit House as Sir Henry dined with Stapleton. When Sir Henry left to walk home across the moor, a thick fog began to roll in, threatening their plan. They followed Sir Henry at a distance, waiting for Stapleton to make his move. Suddenly, they heard the sound of a large hound. Through a break in the fog, they saw a huge, glowing creature bounding toward Sir Henry. Holmes and Watson fired their revolvers at the beast as it attacked Sir Henry, killing it. The hound was an enormous dog with a phosphorescent substance applied to its face to give it a terrifying, supernatural appearance. Sir Henry was badly shaken but unharmed.
They rushed to Merripit House to apprehend Stapleton but found only his wife, bound and gagged. She revealed that Stapleton had beaten her when she refused to lure Sir Henry to his death. She told them that Stapleton had a hideout in the heart of Grimpen Mire, where he kept the hound. Stapleton had fled into the mire, but given the dense fog and treacherous terrain, Holmes doubted he could have survived. The next morning, they attempted to follow his tracks, which led into the mire, but they disappeared in the bog. They found his lair, containing the remaining phosphorus used to make the hound appear supernatural, and discovered the body of Stapleton's old spaniel that had been sacrificed to train the more ferocious hound.
Look at the portrait of the old roysterer... Do you see anything there? ... Is it like anyone you know? ... He stood upon a chair, and, holding up the light in his left hand, he curved his right arm over the broad hat and round the long ringlets. Good heavens! I cried in amazement.
Chapter 15. A Retrospection
Back in London, Holmes explained the entire case to Watson. Stapleton was actually Rodger Baskerville's son, making him a nephew of Sir Charles and a cousin of Sir Henry. After embezzling public money in South America, he had changed his name to Vandeleur and established a school in England. When that failed, he moved to Devonshire under the name Stapleton, having learned about his Baskerville heritage. He plotted to kill Sir Charles and Sir Henry to claim the family fortune. Holmes explained how Stapleton had used the legend of the hound to frighten Sir Charles to death, having coated a large dog with phosphorus to make it appear supernatural.
Stapleton had manipulated Laura Lyons to arrange a meeting with Sir Charles, then set the hound on him, causing his death from heart failure due to extreme fear. He had similarly attempted to kill Sir Henry, first trying to intimidate him in London, then setting the hound on him at Baskerville Hall. Holmes praised Watson's assistance, noting that while Watson had sometimes reached incorrect conclusions, his observations had been invaluable. Holmes also explained that Stapleton had kept his wife posing as his sister to maintain his freedom to manipulate others, particularly Laura Lyons. Had Stapleton succeeded in killing Sir Henry, he would have found some way to claim the Baskerville fortune, either directly or through an accomplice. Holmes concluded that this had been one of the most challenging and singular cases of his career.
The world is full of obvious things which nobody by any chance ever observes. Where do you think that I have been? ... I have been to Devonshire. ... My spirit has hovered over it all day. I flatter myself that I could find my way about.
Sir Henry, still recovering from his ordeal, departed for a year of travel around the world with Dr. Mortimer. Holmes and Watson returned to their regular lives in London, with Holmes soon becoming absorbed in new cases. The mystery of the Hound of the Baskervilles had been solved, the ancient curse explained by human villainy rather than supernatural forces, and the Baskerville estate secured for its rightful heir.