The Importance of Being Earnest (Wilde)
Short summary
England, approximately the late Victorian period. Algernon Moncrieff received his friend Ernest Worthing at his London flat. Ernest confessed he came to propose to Gwendolen Fairfax, Algernon's cousin. He also admitted that his real name was Jack and that he created Ernest as a fictitious brother whose misdeeds gave him an excuse to travel from the country to the city secretly.
Gwendolen accepted Ernest's proposal, stating that she dreamed of loving someone named Ernest. But Lady Bracknell, Gwendolen's mother, strongly disapproved of Jack when she discovered he was an orphan found in a handbag at a railway station. Meanwhile, intrigued by the story of Cecily, Jack's ward in the country, Algernon secretly traveled there, introducing himself as Ernest, Jack's fictional brother.
Cecily and Algernon, believing each other brother and ward, quickly fell in love and became engaged, partly because Cecily also romantically adored the name Ernest. Soon Gwendolen arrived at the country, discovering two Ernests existed, leading to confusion. When Algernon and Jack's deceptions were uncovered, both Gwendolen and Cecily rejected their fiancĂŠs due to dishonesty about their names.
Lady Bracknell arrived and unexpectedly revealed that Jack, discovered as a baby in a handbag, was actually Algernon's elder brother, christened Ernest at birth. With this revelation, Jack finally declared:
I have now realised for the first time in my life the vital Importance of Being Earnest.
Detailed summary by acts
Act titles and divisions within acts are editorial.
Act 1. Social appearances and double lives in London
Lane and Algernon discuss marriage and prepare for visitors
The play opened in the luxuriously furnished morning-room of Algernon Moncrieff's flat in Half-Moon Street, London. While piano music played in the adjoining room, Lane, Algernon's manservant, arranged afternoon tea. When Algernon entered, he inquired if Lane had heard his piano playing, to which Lane replied that he hadn't thought it polite to listen. Algernon remarked that he played with wonderful expression rather than accuracy.
Algernon asked about cucumber sandwiches for Lady Bracknell's visit. After inspecting the sandwiches, he noticed from Lane's records that eight bottles of champagne had been consumed during a recent dinner with Lord Shoreman and Mr. Worthing. When Algernon questioned why servants in bachelor households always drank the champagne, Lane attributed it to the superior quality of the wine. This led to a brief discussion about marriage, with Lane mentioning his own single marital experience resulting from a misunderstanding. After Lane departed, Algernon commented on the lower orders' lack of moral responsibility.
Jack confesses his double identity and plans to propose
Lane announced the arrival of Mr. Ernest Worthing. When Jack entered, Algernon greeted him as Ernest and asked what brought him to town. Jack replied it was pleasure, while Algernon noted he was eating as usual. They bantered about town versus country life, with Jack claiming that in town one amuses oneself while in the country one amuses others. When Algernon inquired about Jack's neighbors in Shropshire, Jack admitted he never spoke to them.
Jack noticed the elaborate tea preparations and learned that Lady Bracknell and Gwendolen were expected. He was delighted, but Algernon warned that Lady Bracknell might disapprove of his presence due to his flirtatious behavior with Gwendolen. Jack confessed he had come to town specifically to propose to Gwendolen. Algernon found proposals unromantic, declaring that uncertainty was the essence of romance and that if he ever married, he would try to forget it.
Their conversation was interrupted when Algernon prevented Jack from taking a cucumber sandwich reserved for Lady Bracknell. Algernon then revealed he wouldn't give his consent for Jack to marry Gwendolen, his first cousin, until Jack explained about someone named Cecily. Jack denied knowing anyone by that name, but Algernon produced Jack's cigarette case with an inscription from "little Cecily" to her "dear Uncle Jack." Jack initially claimed Cecily was his aunt, but Algernon pointed out the inconsistency.
The truth is rarely pure and never simple. Modern life would be very tedious if it were either, and modern literature a complete impossibility!
Jack finally admitted the truth: his name was Ernest in town but Jack in the country. He explained that his guardian, the late Mr. Thomas Cardew, had made him guardian to his granddaughter, Cecily Cardew, who lived in Jack's country house with her governess, Miss Prism. To escape to town, Jack had invented a fictional younger brother named Ernest who lived in London and got into scrapes. In turn, Algernon confessed to his own deceptionâan invented invalid friend named Bunbury whom he used as an excuse to escape to the country whenever he wished.
Gwendolen's affection for Ernest and private proposal
Lane announced the arrival of Lady Bracknell and Miss Fairfax. Algernon promised to distract his aunt so Jack could propose to Gwendolen. Lady Bracknell entered and greeted Algernon coldly, while giving Jack an icy acknowledgment. Gwendolen and Jack sat together in a corner while Lady Bracknell discussed her visit to Lady Harbury, remarking how the widow looked twenty years younger since her husband's death.
When Lady Bracknell requested cucumber sandwiches, Algernon discovered they were gone (he had eaten them all). Lane explained there were no cucumbers available in the market that morning. Algernon then claimed he had to miss dinner with Lady Bracknell that evening because his friend Bunbury was ill again. Lady Bracknell expressed irritation at Bunbury's chronic indecision about living or dying and asked Algernon to ensure Bunbury wouldn't relapse on Saturday, as she needed him to arrange music for her reception.
After Lady Bracknell and Algernon left the room to discuss music, Jack seized the opportunity to speak with Gwendolen alone. He nervously confessed his admiration, and Gwendolen admitted she had always been far from indifferent to him. She revealed that her ideal had always been to love someone named Ernest, explaining that the name inspired absolute confidence. When Jack asked if she couldn't love him if his name wasn't Ernest, Gwendolen dismissed this as a metaphysical speculation with little reference to the facts of real life.
Lady Bracknell's interrogation and Jack's mysterious origins
Lady Bracknell returned unexpectedly and found Jack on his knees before Gwendolen. When Gwendolen announced their engagement, Lady Bracknell ordered her to wait in the carriage while she interviewed Jack. She began a series of questions about his smoking habits, age, and income. Jack revealed he was twenty-nine with an income between seven and eight thousand a year, mostly from investments. He owned a country house with land and a house in Belgrave Square that was currently let.
When Lady Bracknell inquired about his politics, Jack claimed to be a Liberal Unionist, which she accepted as equivalent to a Tory. The interview took a dramatic turn when she asked about his parents. Jack admitted he had lost both parents, to which Lady Bracknell delivered her famous line:
To lose one parent, Mr. Worthing, may be regarded as a misfortune; to lose both looks like carelessness. Who was your father? He was evidently a man of some wealth.
Jack then revealed the truth: he didn't know who his parents were because he had been found as a baby. He explained that Mr. Thomas Cardew had discovered him in a handbag in the cloakroom at Victoria Station and given him the name Worthing because he had a first-class ticket to that seaside resort in his pocket at the time.
Lady Bracknell was appalled by this revelation. She declared that to be born in a handbag, with or without handles, displayed contempt for the ordinary decencies of family life. She advised Jack to acquire some relations as soon as possible and produce at least one parent before the season ended. When Jack offered to produce the handbag as evidence, Lady Bracknell indignantly refused the match, stating she would never allow her daughter to marry into a cloakroom and form an alliance with a parcel.
After Lady Bracknell's departure, Algernon returned playing the wedding march, which infuriated Jack. Algernon inquired about the proposal, and Jack explained that while Gwendolen accepted him, Lady Bracknell refused the match. Jack called Lady Bracknell a "Gorgon" and a "monster without being a myth." The act ended with Jack expressing concern that Gwendolen might become like her mother in 150 years, to which Algernon replied that all women become like their mothersâthat is their tragedyâwhile no man does, which is his.
Act 2. Deceptions and revelations in the country
Miss Prism, Cecily, and Dr. Chasuble's country interactions
The second act took place in the garden of Jack's Manor House in Woolton. Miss Prism, Cecily's governess, called to her charge who was watering flowers instead of studying German. Cecily complained that German wasn't a becoming language and made her look plain. Miss Prism reminded her that Jack was particularly anxious for her to improve her German. Cecily remarked that her guardian was often so serious that she wondered if he was well.
Cecily suggested that Jack's brother Ernest should visit them, as they might have a good influence on him. Miss Prism dismissed this idea, stating she didn't believe in turning bad people good at a moment's notice. When Cecily began writing in her diary, Miss Prism questioned the practice. Cecily explained she recorded the wonderful secrets of her life so she wouldn't forget them. Miss Prism revealed she had once written a three-volume novel that was unfortunately lost.
Dr. Chasuble, the local rector, arrived in the garden. Miss Prism was clearly pleased to see him. Cecily suggested they take a walk together, claiming Miss Prism had a headache. Dr. Chasuble inquired about Jack, and Miss Prism informed him that Jack wouldn't return from town until Monday.
Algernon arrives posing as Ernest and woos Cecily
After Miss Prism and Dr. Chasuble left for their walk, Merriman, the butler, announced that Mr. Ernest Worthing had arrived from the railway station with his luggage. Cecily was surprised, as she had been told Jack's brother was in town. When Algernon entered, posing as Ernest, Cecily greeted him as her guardian's wicked brother. Algernon protested that he wasn't really wicked, to which Cecily responded:
I hope you have not been leading a double life, pretending to be wicked and being really good all the time. That would be hypocrisy.
Algernon admitted to being reckless, which pleased Cecily. She informed him that Jack planned to send him to Australia. Algernon was horrified at the prospect and declared he would rather die. He suggested that Cecily make reforming him her mission. When Cecily invited him inside for lunch, Algernon requested a buttonhole flower first. As she cut a rose for him, he complimented her beauty, comparing her to a pink rose.
After they went inside, Miss Prism and Dr. Chasuble returned from their walk. Miss Prism suggested that the doctor should get married, noting that celibacy leads weaker vessels astray. Their conversation was interrupted by Jack's arrival, dressed in deep mourning with a black hatband and gloves. He solemnly announced that his brother Ernest had died in Paris from a severe chill. Dr. Chasuble offered his condolences and discussed funeral arrangements.
Jack's mourning and plans for christening
Jack's mourning was interrupted when Dr. Chasuble mentioned christenings. Jack suddenly expressed interest in being christened himself that afternoon. The doctor was surprised, assuming Jack had been christened as a child, but Jack claimed not to remember any such event. Dr. Chasuble assured him that adult christening was a perfectly canonical practice and agreed to perform the ceremony at five o'clock.
Their conversation was interrupted by Cecily, who ran out to greet her uncle. She was puzzled by his mourning clothes and delivered shocking news: Jack's brother Ernest was in the dining room. Jack insisted he had no brother, but Cecily urged him not to disown his brother despite past behavior. When Algernon entered with Cecily, Jack was furious but forced to shake hands with him when Cecily insisted.
After the others left, Jack confronted Algernon, demanding he leave immediately. Merriman reported that he had unpacked Algernon's luggage in the room next to Jack's. Jack ordered the dogcart to take "Mr. Ernest" back to town, but Algernon refused to leave. He declared that Cecily was charming and criticized Jack's mourning attire as ridiculous. Jack insisted Algernon must leave on the 4:05 train, but Algernon countered that he wouldn't leave while Jack was in mourning, as it would be unfriendly.
Gwendolen arrives and confronts Cecily over Ernest
Meanwhile, Algernon had fallen in love with Cecily and sought a moment alone with her. When Merriman announced the dogcart was ready, Cecily instructed him to tell it to return in five minutes. Algernon declared his love and proposed marriage. To his astonishment, Cecily revealed they had been engaged for three months. She explained that ever since Jack had mentioned his wicked brother, she had fallen in love with him through imagination. She had even bought herself an engagement ring in his name and written letters to herself from him.
Cecily showed Algernon her diary entries documenting their romance, including their broken engagement on March 22nd, which she had invented because truly serious engagements must be broken off at least once. When Algernon asked if she could love him if his name wasn't Ernest, Cecily firmly stated that the name Ernest inspired absolute confidence and she pitied any married woman whose husband wasn't called Ernest.
Their conversation was interrupted by Merriman announcing Miss Fairfax's arrival. Gwendolen had come to see Jack, but he was away at the rectory. When Gwendolen met Cecily, they were initially friendly. Gwendolen explained that she was engaged to Ernest Worthing, which confused Cecily, who believed she herself was engaged to Ernest. The misunderstanding deepened when Cecily revealed she was Jack's ward, as Gwendolen had never heard Jack mention having a ward.
The truth about both men's deceptions is revealed
Cecily clarified that her guardian was Jack Worthing, not ErnestâErnest was Jack's younger brother. Gwendolen was shocked, as Ernest had never mentioned having a brother. The situation grew tenser when Cecily announced she was engaged to Ernest Worthing. Gwendolen insisted that she was engaged to Ernest, showing her diary as proof. Cecily countered with her own diary, suggesting that Ernest must have changed his mind since proposing to Gwendolen.
In matters of grave importance, style, not sincerity is the vital thing. Mr. Worthing, what explanation can you offer to me for pretending to have a brother? Was it in order that you might have an opportunity of coming up to town to see me?
Their polite hostility was interrupted by the arrival of tea. As they exchanged barbed pleasantries, Jack entered. Gwendolen rushed to him, calling him Ernest, but then asked if he was engaged to Cecily. Jack laughed at the idea, explaining that Cecily was his ward. Cecily clarified that Jack was her guardian, not Ernest. Gwendolen was confused until Algernon entered and Cecily greeted him as Ernest.
The truth finally emerged: Algernon had been pretending to be Jack's brother Ernest, while Jack had been pretending to be Ernest in town. Both women were shocked to learn that neither man was actually named Ernest. Gwendolen and Cecily, united in their sense of betrayal, retreated to the house together. Jack and Algernon blamed each other for the "Bunburying" that had led to this disaster, while absently eating muffins in their distress.
Act 3. Identities resolved and relationships mended
Gwendolen and Cecily's alliance against Jack and Algernon
The third act opened in the drawing-room of the Manor House. Gwendolen and Cecily watched from the window as Jack and Algernon approached from the garden. The women agreed to maintain a dignified silence, but when the men entered, this resolve quickly crumbled. Gwendolen demanded to know why Jack had pretended to have a brother, while Cecily asked Algernon why he had posed as Jack's brother.
Both men confessed they had done so to meet the women. Though Gwendolen and Cecily were skeptical of these explanations, they found the men's voices and manner convincing. However, they maintained that the men's false names remained an "insuperable barrier" to their relationships. Jack and Algernon simultaneously announced they were planning to be christened that afternoon to take the name Ernest.
The men plan christenings to become Ernest
The women were deeply moved by this sacrifice. Gwendolen remarked on the inequality of the sexes, claiming that in matters of self-sacrifice, men were infinitely beyond women. The couples reconciled and embraced, but their reunion was interrupted by the arrival of Lady Bracknell, who demanded an explanation from Gwendolen.
When Gwendolen announced her engagement to Jack, Lady Bracknell reiterated her opposition. She then turned her attention to Algernon and inquired about his invalid friend Bunbury. Algernon claimed that Bunbury had died that afternoonâor rather, had been "exploded." Lady Bracknell seemed satisfied with Bunbury's demise and then noticed Cecily. Jack introduced her as his ward, and Algernon immediately declared his engagement to her.
Lady Bracknell's opposition and the question of Cecily's marriage
Lady Bracknell was initially skeptical of Cecily, inquiring if she was connected to any London railway stationsâa reference to Jack's origins. Jack provided Cecily's respectable credentials: she was the granddaughter of the late Mr. Thomas Cardew of Belgrave Square, Dorking, and Fifeshire. When Lady Bracknell inquired about Cecily's fortune, Jack revealed she had about one hundred and thirty thousand pounds in the Funds.
This information transformed Lady Bracknell's opinion of Cecily, and she immediately approved Algernon's engagement. Jack, however, as Cecily's guardian, refused his consent to the marriage. He explained that he disapproved of Algernon's moral character, citing his deception in pretending to be Jack's brother and consuming an entire bottle of Jack's champagne and every muffin during his visit.
Lady Bracknell decided to overlook Algernon's conduct, but Jack remained firm. When Lady Bracknell learned that Cecily would not come of age until she was thirty-five, she was unconcerned, noting that many women in London society remained thirty-five for years. Jack proposed a compromise: he would consent to Cecily's marriage if Lady Bracknell approved his engagement to Gwendolen. Lady Bracknell refused, leaving them at an impasse.
Miss Prism's revelation about Jack's origins
Dr. Chasuble arrived to announce that everything was ready for the christenings. Lady Bracknell found the idea of christening grown men grotesque and irreligious. When Dr. Chasuble mentioned that Miss Prism was waiting for him in the vestry, Lady Bracknell reacted with surprise at the name. She asked for a description of Miss Prism and insisted on seeing her immediately.
When Miss Prism entered, Lady Bracknell confronted her about an incident twenty-eight years earlier when Miss Prism, then employed by Lady Bracknell's sister, had disappeared with a baby boy in a perambulator. The perambulator was later found containing a manuscript, but the baby was missing. Miss Prism confessed that in a moment of mental abstraction, she had placed the manuscript in the baby carriage and the baby in her handbag, which she left in the cloakroom of Victoria Station.
To be born, or at any rate bred, in a handbag, whether it had handles or not, seems to me to display a contempt for the ordinary decencies of family life that reminds one of the worst excesses of the French Revolution.
Jack rushed to his room and returned with a black leather handbag, which Miss Prism identified as the one she had lost. Jack embraced her, calling her "mother," but Miss Prism indignantly denied this relationship, pointing to Lady Bracknell as the person who could reveal his true identity.
Jack discovers his true identity and right to marry Gwendolen
Lady Bracknell revealed that Jack was the son of her sister, Mrs. Moncrieff, making him Algernon's elder brother. Jack was overjoyed to discover he had a brother after all. However, he still didn't know his Christian name. Lady Bracknell explained that he had been named after his father, a general, but couldn't recall the general's first name.
Jack consulted the Army Lists and discovered that his father's name was Ernest John. He had been telling the truth all alongâhis name really was Ernest. Gwendolen was delighted, having felt from the first that he could have no other name. Jack proposed again, and she accepted him.
All three couples embraced: Jack and Gwendolen, Algernon and Cecily, and Dr. Chasuble and Miss Prism. When Lady Bracknell accused Jack of displaying signs of triviality, he responded with the play's famous closing line:
It is a terrible thing for a man to find out suddenly that all his life he has been speaking nothing but the truth. Can you forgive me? I can. For I feel that you are sure to change.