The Lost World (Doyle)
Short summary
Early 20th century, London. Edward Dunn Malone, a young Irish journalist working for the Daily Gazette, was lovesick for Gladys, a girl who desired a heroic suitor. To prove his courage, Malone eagerly volunteered for a daring expedition to a mysterious plateau in the Amazon basin, organized by the brilliant yet abrasive scientist Professor Challenger.
Joined by the resourceful aristocratic adventurer Lord John Roxton and skeptic Professor Summerlee, Malone and Challenger set forth into the Amazon. Reaching the remote plateau, they encountered dinosaurs, giant creatures, and ape-men in this untouched prehistoric land. Initially skeptical, Professor Summerlee eventually acknowledged Challenger's extraordinary findings. During their adventures the group faced terrifying challenges, battles with ape-men, intense risks, and Malone himself narrowly escaped fatal encounters.
Our eyes have seen great wonders. It is not now the time to talk, but to act. I am not a man of many words, and action is the only proper response to such a challenge as we find ourselves confronted with.
The team found an isolated tribe who battled ape-men for dominance, and aided them in a vital conflict that permanently secured human supremacy on the plateau. As they searched for a way home, Challenger devised an ingenious balloon escape plan, but they eventually discovered a secret cave passage that enabled their safe return. Back in London, when academic critics doubted them, the explorers presented undeniable proof: they stunned the scientific audience by publicly revealing a live pterodactyl. Malone learned that Gladys had already married another, but found himself content to share in the fame and the substantial fortune from diamonds discovered by Lord Roxton, resolving with enthusiasm to set out on further explorations.
Detailed summary by chapters
Chapter 1. There Are Heroisms All Round Us
Edward Malone, a young Irish journalist for the Daily Gazette, visited Gladys Hungerton, the woman he loved. When he proposed to her, she rejected him, explaining that she wanted to marry a heroic man who had faced danger and performed great deeds.
There are heroisms all round us waiting to be done. It's for men to do them, and for women to reserve their love as a reward for such men. Look at that young Frenchman who went up last week in a balloon.
Determined to prove himself worthy of Gladys, Malone returned to his newspaper office and asked his editor, McArdle, to assign him a dangerous mission that would require courage.
Chapter 2. Try Your Luck with Professor Challenger
McArdle suggested that Malone interview Professor Challenger, a controversial scientist who claimed to have discovered living prehistoric creatures in South America. Challenger was known for his violent temper and had physically assaulted journalists who questioned his claims. Armed with some knowledge about a scientific dispute between Challenger and another scientist named Weissmann, Malone wrote a letter expressing interest in Challenger's theories and requesting an interview.
Chapter 3. He Is a Perfectly Impossible Person
Malone visited Challenger's home in Enmore Park. Before meeting the professor, he encountered Mrs. Challenger, who warned him about her husband's difficult temperament. When Malone finally met Challenger, he found him to be a short, broad man with an enormous black beard and an intimidating presence.
Initially suspicious, Challenger tested Malone's scientific knowledge and quickly discovered he was a journalist in disguise. Enraged, Challenger physically attacked Malone, who defended himself. Despite this violent beginning, Challenger was impressed by Malone's honesty when he admitted his deception to a policeman who intervened in their scuffle. Challenger invited Malone back inside to share his discoveries.
Chapter 4. It's Just the Very Biggest Thing in the World
Challenger showed Malone evidence from his South American expedition, including drawings from the sketchbook of an American explorer named Maple White, who had died in the region. The drawings depicted strange prehistoric creatures, including what appeared to be a dinosaur. Challenger also presented a bone fragment and photographs of a plateau where he claimed these creatures lived.
Challenger explained that he had discovered a remote plateau in South America that had been cut off from evolutionary changes for millions of years, allowing prehistoric life forms to survive there. He had been ridiculed by the scientific community upon his return because his photographic evidence had been damaged and he had no specimens to prove his claims.
Challenger invited Malone to attend a lecture at the Zoological Institute that evening, where he planned to challenge his critics. Malone agreed, seeing an opportunity for a great story.
Chapter 5. Question!
At the Zoological Institute, Professor Summerlee, a skeptical scientist, gave a lecture about evolution. When he claimed that dinosaurs were extinct before humans appeared, Challenger interrupted with shouts of "Question!" This led to a heated exchange between the two professors.
When given the opportunity to speak, Challenger declared that prehistoric creatures still existed on a remote plateau in South America. He challenged the audience to send representatives to verify his claims. Summerlee volunteered to go, and two others joined the proposed expedition: Malone and Lord John Roxton, an adventurous aristocrat with experience in South America.
Chapter 6. I Was the Flail of the Lord
After the meeting, Lord John invited Malone to his rooms at the Albany. There, surrounded by hunting trophies and exotic souvenirs, Lord John told Malone about his past adventures in South America, where he had fought against cruel slave-drivers who exploited native rubber gatherers.
I was the flail of the Lord up in those parts... There are times, young fellah, when every one of us must make a stand for human right and justice, or you never feel clean again.
Lord John showed Malone his weapons collection and offered him a rifle for the expedition. He expressed excitement about the adventure ahead, believing that the plateau might hold unknown wonders and dangers.
Chapter 7. Tomorrow We Disappear Into the Unknown
The expedition departed from Southampton. Before leaving, Challenger gave them a sealed envelope containing instructions, to be opened only when they reached Manaus in Brazil. The party traveled up the Amazon River, then continued by smaller boats up tributaries, guided by two half-breeds named Gomez and Manuel, and a loyal native named Zambo.
In Manaus, they opened Challenger's envelope, which contained blank paper. To their surprise, Challenger himself appeared, having secretly followed them. He joined the expedition as its leader, guiding them to the base of a massive plateau with sheer cliffs that matched his previous descriptions.
So tomorrow we disappear into the unknown. This account I am transmitting down the river by canoe, and it may be our last word to those who are interested in our fate. I have, according to our arrangement, addressed it to you, my dear Mr. McArdle.
Chapter 8. The Outlying Pickets of the New World
The explorers faced the challenge of ascending the plateau. They discovered a pinnacle of rock that nearly reached the top, and with great difficulty, they climbed it. From there, Lord John felled a tree to create a bridge to the plateau itself. Challenger crossed first, followed by the others.
As they explored the plateau, they encountered evidence of prehistoric life. They observed huge three-toed footprints and later witnessed a group of iguanodons, enormous herbivorous dinosaurs. Professor Summerlee was forced to acknowledge that Challenger's claims might have merit, though he remained skeptical about details.
The explorers also spotted a pterodactyl, a flying reptile thought to be extinct for millions of years. This sighting further validated Challenger's assertions about the plateau harboring prehistoric life forms.
Chapter 9. Who Could Have Foreseen It?
Disaster struck when the explorers returned to their crossing point and discovered that their tree bridge had been pushed into the abyss below, stranding them on the plateau. Gomez revealed himself as the culprit. He was the brother of Lopez, a man Lord John had killed years ago during his campaign against slave-drivers, and had sought revenge.
Lord John shot Gomez as he fled, but the damage was done—the explorers had no way to descend from the plateau. They established a camp, which they named "Fort Challenger," and began to explore their surroundings more thoroughly.
They discovered a central lake on the plateau and observed many strange creatures, including plesiosaurs swimming in the water. They also found evidence of human habitation—fires and caves on the far side of the plateau.
One night, they heard terrifying screams and roars, which they later discovered were from a battle between dinosaurs. The next morning, they found the carcass of an iguanodon that had been torn apart by what appeared to be a large carnivorous dinosaur.
Chapter 10. The Most Wonderful Things Have Happened
The explorers continued to document the extraordinary prehistoric life on the plateau. They were attacked by a swarm of pterodactyls at their nesting ground and barely escaped with their lives. They also encountered a stegosaurus and other dinosaurs thought to be extinct for millions of years.
Upon returning to their camp one day, they found it ransacked. Something had broken into Fort Challenger, though they couldn't identify what kind of creature was responsible. This incident heightened their sense of danger and vulnerability on the plateau.
Lord John made a curious discovery—blue clay in a volcanic vent, similar to what he had seen in diamond mines in Africa. He kept this observation to himself initially, considering its potential significance.
Chapter 11. For Once I Was the Hero
Malone climbed a tall tree to survey the plateau. Near the top, he encountered an ape-man—a creature resembling a primitive human with ape-like features. Frightened but determined, Malone continued climbing and reached the top, where he gained a comprehensive view of the entire plateau.
From his vantage point, Malone observed that the plateau was roughly oval-shaped with a central lake. He saw the glade of iguanodons, the swamp of pterodactyls, and a line of cliffs with caves that appeared to be inhabited. His observations provided the explorers with valuable information about the geography of the plateau.
Upon returning to camp, Malone reported his encounter with the ape-man. Challenger was excited by this discovery, suggesting that these creatures might be an evolutionary link between apes and humans. The explorers realized they were not alone on the plateau and might face dangers from these intelligent, primitive beings.
Chapter 12. It Was Dreadful in the Forest
Malone ventured alone into the forest at night, driven by a desire to explore the central lake. During his journey, he felt a constant sense of being watched. At the lake, he observed various prehistoric creatures, including a plesiosaurus.
On his return journey, Malone was pursued by a terrifying carnivorous dinosaur. Running for his life, he accidentally fell into a pit trap, which saved him from the predator. He discovered that the pit was man-made, lined with sharpened stakes and containing the remains of previous victims. This indicated that intelligent beings on the plateau hunted the dinosaurs.
When Malone finally returned to camp at dawn, he found it deserted. Blood stains and scattered belongings suggested his companions had been attacked and captured. He was alone on the plateau with no idea how to rescue his friends or escape.
Chapter 13. A Sight Which I Shall Never Forget
Malone contacted Zambo, who remained at the base of the plateau, and learned that an Indian could take a message to civilization. He wrote letters describing their discoveries and requesting rescue equipment.
Following tracks, Malone discovered that his companions had been captured by ape-men. He observed the ape-men's city—a collection of huts built in trees around a clearing. There, he witnessed a horrifying scene: the ape-men were forcing human captives to jump from the edge of a cliff onto sharpened bamboo stakes below.
Among the prisoners were Challenger, Summerlee, and Lord John. Challenger stood next to the king of the ape-men, who bore a striking resemblance to him. As the ape-men prepared to force Summerlee to jump, Lord John shot the king. Malone and Lord John then opened fire on the ape-men, creating enough confusion to rescue their companions.
Chapter 14. Those Were the Real Conquests
The explorers discovered that the ape-men were at war with a tribe of indigenous humans who lived in caves on the plateau. The ape-men had captured some of these humans for their cruel cliff-jumping ritual. During the rescue, the explorers also freed several indigenous people, who led them to their tribe.
The indigenous people welcomed the explorers as heroes and allies against the ape-men. With their superior weapons, the explorers helped the indigenous tribe launch an attack on the ape-men. The battle was decisive—the ape-men were defeated, many were killed, and the survivors were driven into a remote part of the plateau to live in subjugation to the humans.
There are times, young fellah, when every one of us must make a stand for human right and justice, or you never feel clean again. That's why I made a little war on my own. Declared it myself, waged it myself, ended it myself.
Chapter 15. Our Eyes Have Seen Great Wonders
After defeating the ape-men, the explorers continued to study the plateau's unique ecosystem. They documented numerous prehistoric species and had several dangerous encounters with dinosaurs. Challenger was in his element, vindicated by the discoveries that confirmed his earlier claims.
The explorers began to consider how they might escape from the plateau. The indigenous people were friendly but refused to help them build a bridge or find another way down. The explorers suspected the tribe wanted them to stay because they viewed them as powerful allies with their firearms.
Challenger, ever resourceful, devised a plan to construct a hydrogen balloon using the intestines of a large dinosaur as the envelope and gas from a volcanic mud geyser as the lifting agent. After a comical test that nearly sent the entire party floating away, they refined the design.
The big blank spaces in the map are all being filled in, and there's no room for romance anywhere... Wait a bit, though! ... Talking of the blank spaces of the map gives me an idea. What about exposing a fraud—a modern Munchausen?
Chapter 16. A Procession! A Procession!
The explorers eventually discovered a cave that led to a passage down from the plateau. They descended safely and reunited with Zambo, who had faithfully waited for them. Before leaving, Lord John revealed that he had found diamonds in the blue clay deposit, enough to make them all wealthy.
Upon returning to London, the explorers faced skepticism about their discoveries. To silence the critics, Challenger arranged a public meeting at the Queen's Hall, where he dramatically produced a living pterodactyl as proof. The creature escaped through a window and flew away, but not before convincing the audience of the truth of their claims.
The expedition members became celebrities. Challenger planned to found a private museum with his share of the diamond money, Summerlee would retire to classify fossils, and Lord John intended to mount another expedition to the plateau.
Malone, returning to claim Gladys, discovered she had married a solicitor's clerk in his absence. Disappointed in love but enriched by adventure and friendship, he decided to join Lord John on his return expedition to the lost world.
I have wrought my simple plan
If I give one hour of joy
To the boy who's half a man,
Or the man who's half a boy.