The Sign of the Four (Doyle)
Short summary
London, late 19th century. Miss Mary Morstan sought help from the brilliant consulting detective Sherlock Holmes after her father's mysterious disappearance years earlier. Morstan had been receiving anonymous valuable pearls annually. Holmes and his loyal companion Dr. John Watson began investigating the curious case.
Morstan revealed her father disappeared after a dispute over a treasure from India. Holmes discovered Major Sholto, Morstan's friend, betrayed Morstan by keeping the treasure. When the major died, his sons inherited it. One son was brutally killed. They found clues of two murderers: Jonathan Small and his sinister companion from the Andaman Islands.
Holmes used his remarkable deductive methods to track the culprits, embarking on a dramatic chase down the Thames, capturing Small, while his companion drowned. Small confessed that the treasure had brought pain, so he scattered it into the river. Watson, secretly glad the wealth was gone, thought:
I did not know how this Agra treasure had weighed me down, until now that it was finally removed. It was selfish, no doubt, disloyal, wrong, but I could realize nothing save that the golden barrier was gone from between us.
Watson proposed to Mary Morstan, no longer separated from her by wealth. Small was imprisoned, and Holmes, having solved the puzzle, returned to his solitary routines.
Detailed summary by chapters
Chapter 1. The Science of Deduction
The story began with Sherlock Holmes injecting himself with cocaine from his morocco case. Dr. Watson, who had witnessed this ritual many times, expressed concern about Holmes's drug habit, questioning whether he was using morphine or cocaine. Holmes admitted it was a seven-percent cocaine solution, defending its use as stimulating to his mind despite Watson's medical warnings about its harmful effects.
My mind rebels at stagnation. Give me problems, give me work, give me the most abstruse cryptogram or the most intricate analysis, and I am in my own proper atmosphere. I can dispense then with artificial stimulants.
Holmes described himself as the world's only unofficial consulting detective, explaining that official detectives came to him when they were out of their depth. Watson mentioned his documentation of their previous case in "A Study in Scarlet," which Holmes criticized for its romanticism rather than focusing on the analytical reasoning. Holmes then shared news of his growing reputation, including a letter from a French detective praising his assistance, and described his monographs on technical subjects like tobacco ash identification and footprint analysis.
To demonstrate his methods, Holmes deduced that Watson had visited the Wigmore Street Post Office that morning to send a telegram, explaining that he observed reddish mud on Watson's shoe that was unique to that location. When Watson challenged Holmes to analyze a watch he had recently acquired, Holmes correctly determined it had belonged to Watson's elder brother, who had inherited it from their father, and deduced the brother's character traits and unfortunate history from the watch's condition.
Chapter 2. The Statement of the Case
Their conversation was interrupted by the arrival of a young lady named Mary Morstan. She explained that her father, Captain Morstan of the Indian Army, had disappeared in London in 1878 after returning from India. Despite extensive searches, no trace of him was ever found. Six years later, in 1882, she began receiving an annual gift of a valuable pearl from an anonymous sender.
That very day, she had received a letter requesting her presence at the Lyceum Theatre that evening, stating she was a wronged woman who would receive justice. The letter suggested she could bring two friends if she wished but warned against police involvement. She showed Holmes the pearls and the letter, which he examined carefully, noting the quality of the paper and handwriting.
Holmes agreed to accompany Miss Morstan, suggesting Watson join them as well. After she departed, Watson found himself strangely affected by her, though Holmes seemed indifferent to her charms. Watson reflected that if she were to inherit a fortune, as seemed possible, it might place her beyond his reach.
I sat in the window with the volume in my hand, but my thoughts were far from the daring speculations of the writer. My mind ran upon our late visitor—her smiles, the deep rich tones of her voice, the strange mystery which overhung her life.
Chapter 3. In Quest of a Solution
Holmes returned in high spirits, having made progress in understanding the case. He revealed that Major Sholto, a friend of Captain Morstan who had denied knowing of his presence in London, had died on April 28, 1882. Holmes theorized that Sholto's death was connected to the pearls Miss Morstan began receiving, suggesting they were sent by someone who knew of a wrong done to her.
That evening, Holmes, Watson, and Miss Morstan met at the appointed time. Miss Morstan showed them a strange paper found in her father's desk, containing a plan of a building with a small red cross and the words "The sign of the four" with four names. Holmes studied it with interest before they departed for their meeting.
At the Lyceum Theatre, they were approached by a coachman who confirmed they were Miss Morstan's party and asked for assurance they weren't police officers. After receiving this confirmation, he drove them through foggy London streets to an unknown destination. Holmes deduced they were heading to Surrey, eventually arriving at a house in a questionable neighborhood.
Chapter 4. The Story of the Bald-Headed Man
They were led into a richly furnished room that contrasted sharply with the modest exterior of the house. There they met Thaddeus Sholto, a small, nervous man with a high, bald head fringed with red hair. He introduced himself as the son of the late Major Sholto and explained that he had summoned Miss Morstan to make amends for the injustice his father had done to hers.
Thaddeus revealed that his father, Major John Sholto, had been friends with Captain Morstan in India. On the night of Morstan's disappearance, he had visited Major Sholto to claim his share of a treasure they had acquired in India. During an argument, Morstan suffered a fatal heart attack. Fearing he would be accused of murder, Sholto, with the help of his servant, concealed the body and the treasure.
Years later, as Major Sholto lay dying, he attempted to reveal the treasure's location to his sons, but was interrupted by the sight of a bearded face at the window—a man with a wooden leg. The shock killed him instantly. After his death, they found a note on his body reading "The sign of the four." The brothers searched for years but couldn't find the treasure.
Thaddeus explained that his brother Bartholomew had recently discovered the treasure hidden in a secret room in their house. Thaddeus had contacted Miss Morstan immediately, believing she deserved a share. He proposed they visit Bartholomew at Pondicherry Lodge to claim her portion of the treasure.
Chapter 5. The Tragedy of Pondicherry Lodge
They arrived at Pondicherry Lodge, a gloomy mansion surrounded by high walls. The gatekeeper, McMurdo, initially refused them entry since he had no orders from Bartholomew Sholto, but Holmes convinced him they were expected. As they approached the house, they heard the frightened cries of the housekeeper, Mrs. Bernstone.
Thaddeus learned that his brother had locked himself in his room and wasn't responding. While waiting with the housekeeper, Miss Morstan and Watson experienced a moment of connection, instinctively holding hands for comfort despite having just met.
A wondrous subtle thing is love, for here were we two who had never seen each other before that day, between whom no word or even look of affection had ever passed, and yet now in an hour of trouble our hands instinctively sought for each other.
Holmes, Watson, and Thaddeus climbed to Bartholomew's room, finding it locked from inside. Peering through the keyhole, they saw a face identical to Thaddeus's but frozen in a horrible grin. They broke down the door and discovered Bartholomew Sholto dead in his chair, with a strange expression of terror on his face. On the table lay a note with "The sign of the four" written on it.
In the light of the lantern I read, with a thrill of horror, 'The sign of the four.' What does it all mean? I asked. It means murder, said he, stooping over the dead man. Ah, I expected it. Look here! He pointed to what looked like a thorn stuck in the skin.
Holmes found a small thorn in Bartholomew's scalp, which he determined was poisoned. The treasure chest was open and empty. Thaddeus was distraught, explaining he had seen his brother alive the previous night when they discussed contacting Miss Morstan. Holmes assured Thaddeus he didn't suspect him of the murder and advised him to report the matter to the police.
Chapter 6. Sherlock Holmes Gives a Demonstration
After Thaddeus left, Holmes began examining the room for clues. He discovered that the murderer had not entered through the door or window but had come through a hole in the ceiling. In the attic above, Holmes found small, naked footprints that were too small to belong to an adult man. He also noticed a strong smell of creosote and found a broken container of it on the floor.
When Watson couldn't explain the footprints, Holmes reminded him of his deductive method.
How often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth? We know that he did not come through the door, the window, or the chimney. We also know that he could not have been concealed.
Police Inspector Athelney Jones arrived, immediately assuming Thaddeus was guilty and arresting him. Holmes disagreed, explaining that two people had committed the crime: a wooden-legged man named Jonathan Small and a small, agile accomplice who had climbed to the roof, entered through the trapdoor, and killed Bartholomew with a poisoned dart. The accomplice had stepped in creosote, leaving a scent trail they could follow.
Holmes instructed Watson to take Miss Morstan home and then fetch a dog named Toby from a man named Sherman. The dog had an exceptional sense of smell and could track the creosote scent. Holmes would remain at Pondicherry Lodge to gather more information from the Indian servant and the housekeeper.
Chapter 7. The Episode of the Barrel
Watson escorted Miss Morstan to her home in Camberwell, feeling drawn to her but hesitant to express his feelings, especially given the possibility of her newfound wealth. He then collected Toby, the tracking dog, and returned to Pondicherry Lodge, where Holmes was waiting.
Holmes had discovered more evidence confirming his theory. He showed Watson a pouch containing several thorn-like darts similar to the one that killed Bartholomew. They then set Toby on the trail of the creosote scent. The dog led them across the grounds and over a wall, where Holmes found marks from a wooden leg.
As they followed Toby through the streets of London, Holmes explained his deductions about Jonathan Small. He believed Small was one of four convicts or guards from the Andaman Islands who had acquired knowledge of the treasure. The "sign of the four" referred to their pact. Major Sholto had somehow obtained the treasure but failed to fulfill his part of an agreement with them.
Toby led them to the riverside at Lambeth, where they discovered the criminals had taken to the water. Holmes deduced they had used a steam launch called the Aurora. They questioned Mrs. Smith, the wife of the launch's owner, who revealed her husband had left with a wooden-legged man the previous night. Holmes concluded they were planning to escape by river, possibly to a ship waiting to take them abroad.
Chapter 8. The Baker Street Irregulars
Holmes and Watson returned to Baker Street to rest and plan their next move. Holmes decided against involving the police in searching for the Aurora, preferring to use his own resources. He sent a telegram to Wiggins, the leader of the "Baker Street Irregulars"—a group of street children Holmes employed as informants.
When the Irregulars arrived, Holmes instructed them to search both banks of the Thames for the Aurora, offering a reward for information. Holmes then explained to Watson that the small accomplice was likely from the Andaman Islands, describing the natives there as fierce, small people who used poisoned darts as weapons.
Exhausted from their night's work, Watson fell asleep while Holmes played his violin. When Watson awoke late in the afternoon, Holmes was troubled by the lack of news about the Aurora. He feared the criminals might have scuttled the boat or painted it to avoid detection.
Chapter 9. A Break in the Chain
By the next morning, there was still no news of the Aurora. Holmes decided to take matters into his own hands and left disguised as an elderly seaman. While he was gone, Inspector Jones visited Watson, admitting his theory about Thaddeus Sholto was wrong and showing Watson a telegram from Holmes requesting his presence that evening.
Later, an old seaman arrived at Baker Street. To Watson's surprise, the man revealed himself to be Holmes in disguise. Holmes explained he had spent the day investigating all the boat yards along the river and had finally located the Aurora at Jacobson's Yard. The boat's owner, Mordecai Smith, had been paid to keep it hidden until that night, when they planned to escape.
Holmes arranged for Jones to bring a police launch that evening so they could intercept the Aurora when it attempted to flee. Holmes was confident they would capture both the criminals and the treasure.
Chapter 10. The End of the Islander
That evening, Holmes, Watson, and Jones set out on the police launch. Holmes had the green police lamp removed to avoid alerting their quarry. They positioned themselves near Jacobson's Yard and waited. Eventually, they spotted the Aurora speeding down the river and gave chase.
The Aurora was fast, but the police boat gradually gained on it. As they drew closer, they could see two men aboard: a small, dark figure and a larger man with a wooden leg, who shook his fists at them in anger. The small man, Tonga, raised a blowpipe to his lips. Holmes and Watson fired their pistols simultaneously, and Tonga fell overboard into the Thames.
The wooden-legged man, Jonathan Small, attempted to escape by steering toward the shore, but his wooden leg became stuck in the mud when he tried to flee. They captured him and the iron treasure chest, though Small revealed he had thrown the key into the river. One of Tonga's poisoned darts had nearly hit them during the chase, confirming the danger they had faced.
Small expressed regret over Bartholomew Sholto's death, claiming it was Tonga who had killed him against his wishes. He explained that he had only wanted to reclaim the treasure he believed was rightfully his. Jones arranged to take Small to the police station, while Watson was entrusted with delivering the treasure chest to Miss Morstan.
Chapter 11. The Great Agra Treasure
Watson took the iron box to Miss Morstan at Mrs. Cecil Forrester's home. He found himself conflicted—if Miss Morstan claimed her inheritance, she would become wealthy and likely beyond his reach. Yet he felt obligated to deliver what was rightfully hers.
When they opened the heavy box, they discovered it was completely empty. The treasure was gone. Watson felt an immense relief and immediately confessed his love to Miss Morstan, who returned his affection. The disappearance of the treasure had removed the barrier between them, allowing Watson to propose marriage without appearing to be a fortune-hunter.
Watson returned to Baker Street with the empty box to find Holmes and Jones waiting with their prisoner. Small was unsurprised by the empty box, admitting he had thrown the treasure into the Thames rather than let it fall into the hands of those he felt had no right to it.
Chapter 12. The Strange Story of Jonathan Small
Jonathan Small recounted his life story to Holmes, Watson, and Jones. Born in Worcestershire, he had joined the army and was sent to India, where he lost his leg to a crocodile. After being invalided out of the army, he worked as an overseer on an indigo plantation until the Indian Mutiny broke out. He fled to Agra Fort for safety.
While guarding a small door at the fort, Small was approached by two Sikh guards who offered him a share of a treasure if he would help them. A wealthy rajah had entrusted a merchant named Achmet with a chest of jewels for safekeeping during the rebellion. The Sikhs planned to kill Achmet and take the treasure, offering Small a quarter share if he would assist them.
Small agreed, and they murdered Achmet and secured the treasure chest, which contained a fortune in jewels and pearls. Before they could escape with it, they were arrested for the murder. The three Sikhs received life imprisonment, while Small was initially sentenced to death, though this was later commuted to penal servitude. They were all sent to the Andaman Islands.
In the Andamans, Small worked as a doctor's assistant and learned that Major Sholto and Captain Morstan, who were stationed there, were discussing a large purchase of land. Small approached them with his story and a map to the hidden treasure. They agreed to help Small and his associates escape in exchange for a share of the treasure.
However, Sholto betrayed them. He returned to England with the map, found the treasure, and never fulfilled his promise to help them escape. When Small eventually learned of Sholto's treachery, he vowed revenge. Years later, he escaped with the help of a native named Tonga, whose life he had saved. They made their way to England and tracked down Sholto, only to find he had died. Small left the "sign of the four" as a message.
I had learned not to cry over spilled milk. I've had ups in my life, and I've had downs, but I've learned not to cry over spilled milk. It went to my heart to do it, though. I was half mad when you came up with us.
Small and Tonga continued to monitor the Sholto family and eventually learned that Bartholomew had discovered the treasure. They broke into his house to reclaim it, but Tonga killed Bartholomew against Small's wishes. They escaped with the treasure but were ultimately captured. Small explained that he had disposed of the treasure in the Thames rather than let it go to those he believed had no right to it.
After Small was taken away, Watson informed Holmes of his engagement to Miss Morstan. Holmes was not enthusiastic about the news, expressing his belief that emotions interfered with clear reasoning.
Love is an emotional thing, and whatever is emotional is opposed to that true cold reason which I place above all things. I should never marry myself, lest I bias my judgment.
Watson remarked on the curious outcome of their adventure: he had gained a wife, Jones had received the credit for solving the case, and Holmes was left with nothing. Holmes replied that he still had his cocaine bottle, reaching for it as the story concluded.
The division seems rather unfair. You have done all the work in this business. I get a wife out of it, Jones gets the credit, pray what remains for you? For me, there still remains the cocaine-bottle.