Category:O. Henry
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Collections of short stories:
- Cabbages and Kings (1904) — novel consisting of 19 linked short stories
- The Four Million (1906) — collection of 25 short stories
- The Trimmed Lamp (1907) — collection of 25 short stories
- Heart of the West (1907) — collection of 19 short stories
- The Gentle Grafter (1908) — collection of 14 short stories
- The Voice of the City (1908) — collection of 25 short stories
- Roads of Destiny (1909) — collection of 22 short stories
- Options (1909) — collection of 16 short stories
- The Two Women (1910) — collection of 2 short stories
- Strictly Business (1910) — collection of 23 short stories
- Whirligigs (1910) — collection of 24 short stories
- Sixes and Sevens (1911) — collection of 25 short stories
- Rolling Stones (1912) — collection of 23 short stories
- Waifs and Strays (1917) — collection of 12 short stories
- O. Henryana (1920) — collection of 7 short stories
- Postscripts (1923) — collection of 103 short stories, 26 poems, and 4 articles
- O. Henry Encore (1939) — collection of 27 short stories, 7 sketches, and 10 poems
Pages in category "O. Henry"
The following 275 pages are in this category, out of 275 total.
- A Bird of Bagdad (Henry)
- A Blackjack Bargainer (Henry)
- A Call Loan (Henry)
- A Chaparral Christmas Gift (Henry)
- A Chaparral Prince (Henry)
- A Comedy in Rubber (Henry)
- A Cosmopolite in a Café (Henry)
- A Departmental Case (Henry)
- A Dinner at (Henry)
- A Double-Dyed Deceiver (Henry)
- A Fog in Santone (Henry)
- A Ghost of a Chance (Henry)
- A Harlem Tragedy (Henry)
- A Lickpenny Lover (Henry)
- A Little Local Colour (Henry)
- A Little Talk About Mobs (Henry)
- A Lunar Episode (Henry)
- A Madison Square Arabian Night (Henry)
- A Matter of Mean Elevation (Henry)
- A Midsummer Knight's Dream (Henry)
- A Midsummer Masquerade (Henry)
- A Municipal Report (Henry)
- A Newspaper Story (Henry)
- A Night in New Arabia (Henry)
- A Philistine in Bohemia (Henry)
- A Poor Rule (Henry)
- A Professional Secret (Henry)
- A Ramble in Aphasia (Henry)
- A Retrieved Reformation (Henry)
- A Ruler of Men (Henry)
- A Sacrifice Hit (Henry)
- A Service of Love (Henry)
- A Snapshot at the President (Henry)
- A Strange Story (Henry)
- A Technical Error (Henry)
- A Tempered Wind (Henry)
- According to Their Lights (Henry)
- After Breakfast (Henry)
- After Twenty Years (Henry)
- An Adjustment of Nature (Henry)
- An Afternoon Miracle (Henry)
- An Apology (Henry)
- An Unfinished Christmas Story (Henry)
- An Unfinished Story (Henry)
- Aristocracy Versus Hash (Henry)
- Art and the Bronco (Henry)
- At Arms with Morpheus (Henry)
- Schools and Schools (Henry)
- Seats of the Haughty (Henry)
- Shearing the Wolf (Henry)
- Sisters of the Golden Circle (Henry)
- Sixes and Sevens (short story collection, Henry)
- Sociology in Serge and Straw (Henry)
- Sound and Fury (Henry)
- Springtime à la Carte (Henry)
- Squaring the Circle (Henry)
- Strictly Business (Henry)
- Strictly Business (short story collection, Henry)
- Suite Homes and Their Romance (Henry)
- Supply and Demand (Henry)
- Telemachus, Friend (Henry)
- The Adventures of Shamrock Jolnes (Henry)
- The Assessor of Success (Henry)
- The Atavism of John Tom Little Bear (Henry)
- The Badge of Policeman O’Roon (Henry)
- The Brief Début of Tildy (Henry)
- The Buyer from Cactus City (Henry)
- The Caballero's Way (Henry)
- The Cactus (Henry)
- The Caliph and the Cad (Henry)
- The Caliph, Cupid and the Clock (Henry)
- The Call of the Tame (Henry)
- The Chair of Philanthromathematics (Henry)
- The Champion of the Weather (Henry)
- The Church with an Overshot-Wheel (Henry)
- The City of Dreadful Night (Henry)
- The Clarion Call (Henry)
- The Coming-Out of Maggie (Henry)
- The Complete Life of John Hopkins (Henry)
- The Cop and the Anthem (Henry)
- The Count and the Wedding Guest (Henry)
- The Country of Elusion (Henry)
- The Day Resurgent (Henry)
- The Day We Celebrate (Henry)
- The Defeat of the City (Henry)
- The Detective Detector (Henry)
- The Diamond of Kali (Henry)
- The Discounters of Money (Henry)
- The Dog and the Playlet (Henry)
- The Door of Unrest (Henry)
- The Dream (Henry)
- The Duel (Henry)
- The Duplicity of Hargraves (Henry)
- The Easter of the Soul (Henry)
- The Elusive Tenderloin (Henry)
- The Emancipation of Billy (Henry)
- The Enchanted Kiss (Henry)
- The Enchanted Profile (Henry)
- The Ethics of Pig (Henry)
- The Exact Science of Matrimony (Henry)
- The Ferry of Unfulfilment (Henry)
- The Fifth Wheel (Henry)
- The Fool-Killer (Henry)
- The Foreign Policy of Company 99 (Henry)
- The Four Million (Henry)
- The Fourth in Salvador (Henry)
- The Friendly Call (Henry)
- The Furnished Room (Henry)
- The Gentle Grafter (short story collection, Henry)
- The Gift of the Magi (Henry)
- The Girl and the Graft (Henry)
- The Girl and the Habit (Henry)
- The Gold That Glittered (Henry)
- The Greater Coney (Henry)
- The Green Door (Henry)
- The Guardian of the Accolade (Henry)
- The Guilty Party (Henry)
- The Halberdier of the Little Rheinschloss (Henry)
- The Hand That Riles the World (Henry)
- The Handbook of Hymen (Henry)
- The Harbinger (Henry)
- The Head-Hunter (Henry)
- The Hiding of Black Bill (Henry)
- The Higher Abdication (Henry)
- The Higher Pragmatism (Henry)
- The Hypotheses of Failure (Henry)
- The Indian Summer of Dry Valley Johnson (Henry)
- The Kidnappers (Henry)
- The Lady Higher Up (Henry)
- The Last Leaf (Henry)
- The Last of the Troubadours (Henry)
- The Lonesome Road (Henry)
- The Lost Blend (Henry)
- The Love-Philtre of Ikey Schoenstein (Henry)
- The Making of a New Yorker (Henry)
- The Man Higher Up (Henry)
- The Marionettes (Henry)
- The Marquis and Miss Sally (Henry)
- The Marry Month of May (Henry)
- The Memento (Henry)
- The Missing Chord (Henry)
- The Moment of Victory (Henry)
- The Octopus Marooned (Henry)
- The Passing of Black Eagle (Henry)
- The Pendulum (Henry)
- The Pimienta Pancakes (Henry)
- The Plutonian Fire (Henry)
- The Poet and the Peasant (Henry)
- The Pride of the Cities (Henry)
- The Princess and the Puma (Henry)
- The Prisoner of Zembla (Henry)
- The Purple Dress (Henry)
- The Ransom of Mack (Henry)
- The Ransom of Red Chief (Henry)
- The Rathskeller and the Rose (Henry)
- The Red Roses of Tonia (Henry)
- The Reformation of Calliope (Henry)
- The Renaissance at Charleroi (Henry)
- The Roads We Take (Henry)
- The Robe of Peace (Henry)
- The Romance of a Busy Broker (Henry)
- The Rose of Dixie (Henry)
- The Rubaiyat of a Scotch Highball (Henry)
- The Rubber Plant's Story (Henry)
- The Shocks of Doom (Henry)
- The Skylight Room (Henry)
- The Sleuths (Henry)
- The Snow Man (Henry)
- The Social Triangle (Henry)
- The Song and the Sergeant (Henry)
- The Sparrows in Madison Square (Henry)
- The Sphinx Apple (Henry)
- The Struggle of the Outliers (Henry)
- The Tale of a Tainted Tenner (Henry)
- The Theory and the Hound (Henry)
- The Thing's the Play (Henry)
- The Third Ingredient (Henry)
- The Trimmed Lamp (Henry)
- The Trimmed Lamp (short story collection, Henry)
- The Unknown Quantity (Henry)
- The Unprofitable Servant (Henry)
- The Venturers (Henry)
- The Voice of the City (Henry)
- The Voice of the City (short story collection, Henry)
- The Whirligig of Life (Henry)
- The World and the Door (Henry)
- Thimble, Thimble (Henry)
- Three Paragraphs (Henry)
- Tictocq (Henry)
- To Him Who Waits (Henry)
- Tobin's Palm (Henry)
- Tommy's Burglar (Henry)
- Tracked to Doom (Henry)
- Transformation of Martin Burney (Henry)
- Transients in Arcadia (Henry)
- Two Renegades (Henry)
- Two Thanksgiving Day Gentlemen (Henry)